(( Im sorry sappiness is my thing okay dun yell at me ;-; - TopicsExpress


(( Im sorry sappiness is my thing okay dun yell at me ;-; )) Luxuria was lying against the rough bark of a tree. It wasnt much of a good place to hide from the titans, but she couldnt run anymore. The shy and clumsy girl who always smiled was now badly wounded, with a sad and lifeless look in her eyes. Dark red blood stained her hair due to a bad head wound which dripped all the way down her face. She couldnt feel the warmth of her own hands anymore, but she could hear a familiar voice calling her name. It was Apollo. She could hear him run up to her weak body, and could tell he was about to cry. He held her in his arms, and stroked her green ribbon which was now dirty and torn. She began to speak, but was interrupted. Shh, youll be fine, Luxuria. Y-Youll live.. Luxuria weakly shook her head. No...I wont. It hurts too much. She grunted in pain, as blood began to drip onto her clothes. She could see a tear roll onto Apollos cheek. But, before I go....I just want to tell you that I love you. Apollos voice began to crack. No.... Luxuria closed her eyes for the last time as a tear rolled onto her cheek.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 04:14:48 +0000

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