Im spitting feathers this morning. If youre going to read this - TopicsExpress


Im spitting feathers this morning. If youre going to read this post, read it all and read it carefully so that you dont misunderstand what Im saying. Im a simple man, Im not clued up on the worlds situations, politics and suchlike. I do however think I can spot agendas. And I dont like the way Im letting things I see affect me. It should be like water off a ducks back but as I get older Im getting more and more irritated by what I see. I am sick of racist claptrap. Sick to the back teeth of it and its time you (the world in general) get used to this fact (I dont like it but it seems to be true). Its a racist world. Always was and probably always will be. This is an example of what Im seeing far too often.. I was added to a group over night. Its probably not a racist group but heres how it can be interpreted. Its called Blacknet. Its about equality, diversity & inclusion. I have no problem with this. And then I see a post shared with the Black Men & Women, Entrepreneurs Business & Enterprise Club. Can you see where Im going with this? Now let me play Devils Advocate - suppose I start a group called Whitenet. And lets suppose we get posts from White Men & women......blah blah blah? Would I hear calls of Its racism? Of course I would. The minute you start to mention colour and/or religion, racism will rear its head. There is racism from all sides, all communities and diversities. You know it and I know it. And whether I like to admit it or not, Im part of the problem. If you know me or have followed me on here, youll know I like to rant...well I dont, but if I dont unload my thoughts, it makes me frustrated. I unload on facebook because its where I see most of the stuff that irritates me. (Perhaps I should leave and be done with it). Dont think Im blind to the white racism I see either. I get just as pissed off about that too. Im not going to go on and on, but I am going to say this. Racism will always continue as long as someone talks about the colour of someones skin or about religion... and probably other stuff too. Heres how I live my life - I treat people the way I want to be treated. Im fine with people until Im wronged. If you take me for a fool, it may take me a while, but I will eventually notice and youll know that I know. If you treat me with respect and caring, Ill do likewise. If you come and me shouting and screaming, Ill come back doing likewise. Ill stand my corner, have no fear of that. But get this straight from this point on.... I couldnt give two hoots about what colour you are, what race you come from, or what your religion is. You have every right to be proud of where you come from and who you are. But dont shove it down my throat. And dont try to make me feel youre better than me. Because youre not. And Im no better than you. Im a proud Englishman, I come from a travelling fairground background and Im totally proud of that. I love my friends and my family (even if I dont tell them enough), and if you want to be my friend, we can go with that. If you dont, thats OK too. Im easy to read as a person. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I make no apologies for that. Im not the outgoing person you think I am. In real life I keep myself to myself and dont want to get involved in your business. If you want to make a difference, start in your own small world. Start treating people with respect and caring. Will everyone respond the same. Of course they wont. You cant help the world. What works for me is this. If someone comes across to me as a twat, or I take a dislike to them (which seems to happen more as I get older), I have nothing to do with them. If you run me down, or wrong me, youre pretty much out of my life and your input about me means nothing to me (after Ive dealt with you). But on the other hand, treat me nice and with respect and youll get the same back. And thats whatever colour you are, whatever religion you are and whatever political persuasion you are. If you feel that my way of seeing things is too simplistic, start at the top of the post and read the beginning of the second paragraph again. Im not trying to be clever. Oh, and if you dont like what Ive got to say, thats OK too. You know where the unfriend button is. And now, feel free to go about your day!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 08:57:07 +0000

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