Im still shocked that there are people out there who think Fox - TopicsExpress


Im still shocked that there are people out there who think Fox News is actually news. A key phrase that Id like to borrow from Russell Brand: corrupt propagandist organization. There could not be a truer description. And he goes on to point out another important truth - Fox News has a vested interest in corporate power that comes from a corporate mindset...[it] is part of the machine that oppresses people. David just made an interesting point as we were talking about this: Fox News is now about like how Rush Limbaugh was 5 or 6 years ago. He was a hero for Republicans and everyone on either side knew he was a racist and a misogynist. But, his Republican base thought it was okay to laugh it off and rally behind his twisted, disgusting (and misleading) vitriol. And sure enough, his level of racist bigotry became so apparent and unquestionable, he was dropkicked from his bid to purchase an NFL team. His level of bigotry is that obvious and generally everyone agrees, to the extent he is not permitted to spend his millions on just whatever the hell he pleases, it is not acceptable. I agree with David that Fox News propensity for bigotry has risen to a Rush Limbaugh-level of unquestionable. Their newsworthiness is such an obvious scam, if youre still watching Fox News, youre pretty much a verified biggot. Im so dead serious about this. One thing I take comfort in is that conservatives have ALWAYS been on the wrong side of history. Progressive efforts have always prevailed. Slavery. Civil Rights. Gay Marriage. The right thing to do is always just very simply the right thing to do. People eventually get it. Gay people will have equal rights very soon. Idiots will stop marginalizing and dehumanizing Native Americans. Mexican immigrant children will be embraced as the helpless human beings that they truly are and society at large will eventually admit that these children are deserving of love, and care, and a chance at life. People of color will have true equality in this country some day. I really do believe that all of this will eventually happen. It just sucks that we cant all admit that these things are right and good and just make it all happen in one fell swoop. One last thing, I had a few friends from my high school days who, to my surprise, grew up to be conservatives. Honestly, I didnt much know the difference between Democrats and Republicans or liberal vs. conservative back then, but I sure knew the difference between good, cool stuff and gross, stodgy shitiness. I thought highly of the people I considered friends...I thought, albeit naively, they were the types who could look to the future and envision themselves as revolutionaries for a better world. I was idealistic, and I thought my friends were, too. I cant tell you how disappointing it is to look back and remember those friends as cool, exciting people who stood up against Top 40 mediocrity and the typical trendy, vapid existence of the majority of our high school peers and, today, have to swallow the cold reality that there was no real revolutionary spirit amongst us. Or, that at least if it existed, it died somewhere along the way. And even though my generation isnt quite the one that saved the world from gross, stodgy shitiness, I know that each generation gets better and better. When I was a kid, it was just normal to go to school with black children. That was not the case when my mom was in school. When I was a kid a gay wedding was unheard of, and I dont think my children think of it as anything controversial at all. Progress always wins in the end. So, we can rest assured.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 01:04:13 +0000

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