Im still working on it. You just have to let my mind process - TopicsExpress


Im still working on it. You just have to let my mind process tasks as they pop into it. Im sure youre wondering why does this nut have Daniel Kims danthology in this post? Good question - I promise it all comes together. My mind wanders around from one idea to another fairly quickly. So while I am still in the middle of my post for today, this video came to mind. Daniel Kims danthology videos I really like, and his 2013 just came out. So I had it playing in the background, but kept getting distracted. As one song rolls into another, it brought back whatever memory for that part of the year. And tragically it seems to have had three parts: the spring explosions, the summer of isolation and a blood-thirsty predator, and the current fall - appropriately named. No, not the fall of Bell, but my descent into such a draining and hostile period. This has been in my mind for days now too - the end of the year and putting the year into perspective. Wow, I would need a Phd in quantum physics to figure this year out. Which is a shame, because this might be the first Daniel Kim video I dont like. See there are some songs that pop up that actually cause me to wince. I was talking with a friend last night though, and I could never have expected Id have this thought right now: You might now be getting a bit of a feel for how this year has been, and that this site has nothing to do with some dude annoyed that he got fired. This site is about me, and so many other #PTSD people, struggling to stay alive. What is making my situation so precarious is the apparently-limitless mean-spiritedness and cruelty of some in society. So now I see that many suffer in silence, either theyre afraid, or too ill, or told they should never speak out. And I think, ok, if you think you can get away with this shit with me, with my smarts, good health, and courage, then how are these less fortunate dudes being treated? How are they coping? So if this hellish year has a purpose, and greater awareness and empathy comes from it, then its worth the sacrifice. This #PTSD thing is the biggest challenge of my life, and #Bell you are just making it pure hell. You will never escape such moral depravity. In case you were wondering what my favourite Daniel Kim danthology video is, well here ya
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 21:43:58 +0000

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