Im sure everyone knows theres a water main break in New London by - TopicsExpress


Im sure everyone knows theres a water main break in New London by now. This is one of those times of crisis when people show their true nature.. They either: -worry about themselves and how it effects them only Or -try to make the best of it and think about the community at large.. This first group are selfish.. Theres a million people affected and your worried about your own little insignificant shit???? Turning into part of your personal dramatic life will not help the situation and personally I think you need to stfu. Especially if you dont even live in New London!!! The second group are the people who I In my life and around me. Theyre the ones who would grab a shovel & help dig if it would help others.. Its a community problem not a YOU PROBLEM.. Get over yourself and show some compassion for the other people who are in the exact same situation and taking it in stride.. Self absorbed people suck!!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 15:49:22 +0000

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