Im sure many of you are aware of the recent unhiring of Steven - TopicsExpress


Im sure many of you are aware of the recent unhiring of Steven Salaita to the Department of American Indian Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign for engaging in what has been described by some as uncivil tweets about the distressing events in Gaza. Im sure youre also aware that a number of groups, including those in English, philosophy, sociology, and Chicano/a and Latino/a studies, have signed petitions stating that unless the decision is reversed, those who have signed the petition will not engage with UIUC in any manner. I am hoping that those of us in Asian American studies could also generate a similar petition--not as member of AAAS but as individual scholars. Below is a draft of the petition that I came up with, using other groups petitions as models. If you have thoughts about improving the language or would like to sign the petition, please comment below or, if you prefer, send me a private message. I would like to send the petition to Chancellor Wise on Sunday evening. Dear Chancellor Phyllis Wise, We are Asian American studies scholars from across the United States and beyond writing to express our concern and dismay over your recent decision to reverse the hiring of Dr. Steven Salaita to the Department of American Indian Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. We believe that to essentially fire Dr. Salaita due to what some have characterized as “uncivil” twitter statements over the highly distressing events in Gaza is tantamount to silencing his speech and a violation of his academic freedom. Until you reverse your decision, we the undersigned will not participate in any events hosted by your campus, including conferences and invited lectures; nor will we serve as reviewers for any tenure or promotion cases of your faculty. We urge you to restore Dr. Salaita’s position at your university, for it is not only the right but also the just thing to do. Note: Institutional affiliation is for purposes of identification only. We sign as individual scholars, not as representatives of our institutions. Sincerely,
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 01:48:54 +0000

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