Im sure many photographers will appreciate this. Today I learned - TopicsExpress


Im sure many photographers will appreciate this. Today I learned that one of the biggest problems in photography is the lack of understanding terminology or abusing terminology - in speaking with a few in the business it seems that there is confusion about what is fashion vs editorial vs commercial. So I hope this will help clear some misconceptions up: * Commercial Photography sells a product. * Fashion Photography sells a lifestyle. * Editorial Photography sells a story. Commercial Photography: commercial photography predominantly sells a product. The emphasis of the whole shoot is on the product. That means that the lighting, the styling, and the background are usually very plain (not in a bad way). Think of catalog shoots where the models is standing in front of a white or an off-white background with maybe one light above camera and slightly to either side of the camera, and very natural looking make-up. Fashion Photography: Contrary to commercial photography, the emphasis in fashion photography does not lie on the garments, but on the mood and styling of the image. The garments are merely an accessory to convey a certain lifestyle. Therefore, the whole image is much more complex. You usually won’t see plain white or off-white backgrounds in fashion photography and the models are usually styled very dramatically with thick eyeliners, dramatic eye shadows, etc. fashion photographers tend to use a wide array of lights and lighting accessories. That is not to say that a dramatic look can not be achieved with only one light, such as a beauty dish or an octabank – it’s about the effect of the lighting and not about how many lights you use to get that effect. Editorial Photography Editorial photography is very similar to fashion photography in the sense that editorial photography is usually not about selling a product but something greater. In fashion photography it’s the lifestyle, in editorial photography it’s the story or the theme A good photographer will be able to deliver quality work in all of these areas. Just don’t think that if you are good in one area, you will also be good in the others. Each style of photography requires a different set of skills and a different approach. This was taken from professional fashion and commercial photographer Sven Bannuscher
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 22:22:11 +0000

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