Im surprised no one in my feed has commented on this. Ebola is - TopicsExpress


Im surprised no one in my feed has commented on this. Ebola is hands down one of the most deadly viruses we have ever encountered. It has a mortality rate of 90%. Currently, there is a confirmed outbreak in Guinea. It has reached their capital which has a population of ~2 million people. There are also confirmed cases in 2 neighboring countries, Sierra Leone and Liberia. The news has been focused primarily on the disappearance of flight 370 and the insane actions of Russia in the Ukraine the last week that I dont think this has been paid too much attention. I also think they are trying to contain any panic in the populace that could make it worse. If this thing hops a plane to another continent, I feel that we may not be prepared to stop a pretty massive outbreak/pandemic. If you know anyone traveling or you are yourself, just be aware of where you are going and what flights have been moving through the areas you are traveling through as well. reuters/article/2014/03/23/us-guinea-ebola-idUSBREA2L0MI20140323 bloomberg/news/2014-03-23/ebola-spreads-to-guinea-capital-conakry-with-at-least-59-deaths.html cnn/2014/03/22/world/africa/fever-epidemic-guinea/
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 05:52:04 +0000

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