Im taking some time today to try to share a bit more details some - TopicsExpress


Im taking some time today to try to share a bit more details some old, some new, and our prognosis. Here are some things you may or may not know that I thought Id just share. The 4th of Dec. Scott had a abdominal ultrasound looking for what was causing him stomach discomfort and for some cause to why he had pain after eating nearly anything except fruits, veggies, and oatmeal. That night we got a call and the Dr had some minor concerns about his gall bladder but more concerns about the shadows on his liver. Scott still went on his Romania business trip. We did a PIPIDA scan and a CT scan the 16th. That night the family Dr called and with great compassion broke the news to us that he was pretty certain we had a colon cancer and ordered our colonoscopy. It was the 18th and that day my husband laid there sedated while the dr handed me our diagnosis. Stage 4 colon cancer. After several questions I had the final one at the moment. What is our prognosis? His words were that hed hoped for 50 yrs but maybe 10-20. Let me tell you that was devastating but we faced it and the 2 oldest boys went with us to hear it all from the Dr the next day. The 30th of Dec we did the colon and gallbladder surgery. Easy and successful. Next the powerport implant the 8th of Jan. So for the part that has taken me nearly 2 weeks to share outside of family, and our pastor. An oncologist came in and talked to us. Really I wasnt impressed and felt immediately he was not the dr for us. We requested a different Oncologist. He too gave us a prognosis along with compassion, time, information on a level we understand, and requested more pathology tests which will tell us our options for treatment. We are comfortable with him. Not saying we wont seek another opinion but could see us having good relationship with him throughout our journey. So the prognosis. The statistic. The statistic that my husband falls in, people of all ages, all health statuses, all different strength or weaknesses, having colon cancer stage 4 in the liver and lymph nodes, we fall in the statistic of 2.5 yrs to live. Even typing that now is incredibly hard. I know its a statistic and more people in that statistic probably were older. My husband is strong and healthy and while I joke about him being old (hes 9 years older than me), hes young. He is a fighter and we have God!! We have a lot going for us. 50% of the people go on either side of that number. He could respond SO great to chemo plus all the lifestyle changes we are making could help him also. I do believe we have a chance to beat this or at minimal fight it for lots and lots of years. I know God is able. I know people beat cancer. I know its just a number. Knowing all that still leaves us with, this is our reality. It puts so much into perspective. I want others to share this journey with us. I want you to see Gods goodness even when things arent dreamy wonderful (although even with cancer our life is still wonderful). I want you to see our prognosis so when we beat it we can rejoice together in Gods greatness. God is good regardless which path He gives us. My focus has to be on being thankful for the time God gives us and has given us rather than the time we might not get. Its not easy but I believe a thankful heart goes far further. With a prognosis like that we feel we have to prepare for it and still pray BIG. So in preparation we are looking to sell our house and buy something on less land, less maintenance, closer to Scotts work, the hospitals, and Johnson Co college, in a great school district incase homeschooling has to cease for a bit, and near K-10.......not asking much. Oh and can my neighbors come too! Its not something we are doing right away but beginning to talk about. There is a peek in our life. In one month, so much can change. Through it all we are thankful for so much! Our kids, man am I proud of our kids!!! The older ones have been going to apps, surgeries etc with us, helping with grocery shopping, errands etc, the younger ones are handling things they understand so far and they are ALL big big BIG blessings. Scott and I have a bond and relationship that is strong and ready to face this. We are thankful for any amount of time God lets us have. And most of all Im thankful for a chance to battle this and so incredibly thankful for your prayers, your kind words, encouragement, and just each of you being here. Next: Follow up with the surgeon. Visit the dietician both this Wed. The 19th Oncologist consult with test results and to make plans to start chemo probably that next week.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 20:31:36 +0000

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