Im thankful for the time I was able to spend playing the piano - TopicsExpress


Im thankful for the time I was able to spend playing the piano while I was in rehab for physical therapy at Glen Ridge Health Campus. And, Im thankful for all the wonderful patient patients who never complained about my practicing. I am still a long way from where Id like to be, but so much better than I was before! Due to arthritis, mainly the thumb which was broken in 2001, my right hand just doesnt want to move as quickly as it used to, nor does it like to reach a full octave, especially on the high notes! I have promised myself that from now on, I will make an effort to play more often at home so that I never get that rusty again! We didnt have Septembers Calendar of Events for Glen Ridge, so when we asked what was going on while I was there, the Activities Director came into my room to talk with us. When she found out what some of our (mainly Richards) talents were, she was very excited and said she wished shed met us sooner! She gave us her business card and called us her New Best Friends! She said shed love to have us come regularly to entertain and share our talents with the residents. She also told me shed heard about my piano playing and invited me to come back and play the piano for the facility on a regular basis, or to just come by and play anytime I wanted to. We just may do that! It would be good for us to get out and would probably be as therapeutic for us as for the residents. Even if I dont always feel like going out, it will give Richard something to do besides always staying in and taking care of me. He needs to get back into clowning anyway! He really seemed to enjoy talking and joking around with many of the people he met while staying there with me. Maybe some of us [whove sang together in the past] (Karen S Perry & Jerry May); (Gary Lorena Jameson); (my girls Larinda Hopkins & Donna Hall), could get together and have a mini concert now and then for the residents! They would love that! Hey, they have a Happy Hour every Friday at 4 pm, so why not have a Joyful Hour too?!!! There were some people who would come and sit beside me, in the dining area, or in the lobby nearby, so they could listen while I played the piano and sang. Many people miss hearing the old gospel songs they love and are so appreciative when they get a chance to hear them. Were all getting older (or injured) and may need to spend some time in a facility. Whether its for short-term therapy as mine was, or long-term, it can get very lonely there! I was only there for 2 weeks and, even though Richard was with me most of the time, I still felt a bit forgotten and lonely at times. So, I know that if I was a resident (transitional or permanent), I would love to hear some good old Gospel Singing once in a while!
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 03:09:02 +0000

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