Im thinking about wrapping my VTR in the U.S.A. Flag. This way it - TopicsExpress


Im thinking about wrapping my VTR in the U.S.A. Flag. This way it will not be so easily mistaken for a gun, although I understand that a black mans finger has been mistaken for a firearm on occasions. I had a conversation with my mom recently about my VTR and the potential dangers. Also, this thing is heavy and a fingerprint magnet, while not being that prone to scratching, I think a wrap would be nice. I considered a black carbon fiber, as well as other colors and styles, but this American Flag resonated with me for some reason. Im not one to wave the flag, in fact Ive never liked the look of the U.S. Flag and Ive never liked what (I thought) it stood for. However, in recent times, Ive begun to understand that those who usually like to wave the flag and claim to be patriotic are completely full of shit, and that was my problem with the flag. Not necessarily what it stood for, but what those who stole it stand for. Those who would say America, Right or Wrong are wrong and they repulse me, so naturally I was repulsed by their symbols, including the American Flag. But Ive come to learned that they are hypocrites and full of dog shit, and dont defend freedom, liberty, justice, or anything else that is associated with a Right and Just United States. Whether they be a hooded cross burner, a masked S.W.A.T team member, or some low level nameless and faceless Government worker one can engage on the telephone, if they are without integrity, they dont represent the ideas of the American Flag. So I think Ill wrap my VTR in the flag, it will be the first flag that Ive ever carried or displayed, but I think that its most appropriate that I do so.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 11:54:39 +0000

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