Im thinking it would be really good if those who like to ask - TopicsExpress


Im thinking it would be really good if those who like to ask rhetorical questions that are not obviously rhetorical questions, or like to use humour that only matches their private social groupings, is age or culture specific and is not obvious to outsiders, or masked sarcasm, .... would use emoticons to clarify their intent. The thing is, those on FB who dont know others except for on FB, have no way of reading communication clearly if it is not direct and true. Obviously we dont have the advantage of non verbal language to read intent and meaning - and this situation means that misunderstandings can occur - or time wasting by responding innappropriately. It is also inconsiderate. If communication is the intention, then it is pretty much a responsibility each way to make sure that all concerned can understand what is being said. I also figure that if we bother to say something, we actually want to be taken seriously. I prefer that those who dont want to be taken seriously, or at their word, remove themselves from my friends list. There is more than enough tricky communication going on in this country- adding it to FB is just a waste of my life. Thanks.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 14:52:45 +0000

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