Im through that very challenging section of the Work In Progress - TopicsExpress


Im through that very challenging section of the Work In Progress that I mentioned to you all a few weeks back, and Im through it a couple weeks quicker than I ever imagined I would be. THANK YOU to all who prayed me through. There are lots of words on the page now, and words on the page are something I can work with. :) On to the next big challenge, the final plot turn and climax of this story. One of the most challenging things about this story has been the amount of research needed to be digested in order to write it. Dont get me wrong, I enjoy learning about the 18th century. There really isnt any part of that century I dont enjoy learning about, but some subjects are harder to get my head wrapped around than others. This particular story is deeply involved in one of those challenging-to-me subjects--the British army. Im still researching even though the first draft is nearing completion. Ill keep researching until the final edits on this manuscript are done, sometime in 2015. But for now.... just four more chapters to write, and an Epilogue. I think. Chapters tend to multiply as I write so I cant swear to that. Then Ill have a few more months to do the many necessary rewrites and edits of certain chapters and scenes, and to trim, trim, trim it all down to a manageable length. I couldnt tell you what the word count is now. I stopped checking at around 80K, and that was quite some time ago. I decided adding that concern to all the others would land me in a creative straightjacket, so for the first time since I bought a software program that counted words, Ive stopped counting. :) Since I once cut a 300K manuscript to 120K without losing a significant amount of story, Im not terribly worried about this one (which is nowhere near 300K, btw, in case you were wondering).
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 18:31:57 +0000

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