Im tired of having to gently explain this to people who I feel - TopicsExpress


Im tired of having to gently explain this to people who I feel should know better, but here is the response I left in a comment on his post: Its very convenient for people with the privilege of not having to wonder if something is racially motivated to not see color. You dont see it because youre lucky enough to not have to. Was there malicious intent behind the packaging; I doubt it. Is it okay to tell an entire minority group that theyre absurd for seeing the perpetuation of a negative stereotype of their race portrayed in a package; nope. As much as I enjoy your posts and typically think youre spot on in your assessment of baby-gear drama, this is not a call youre in a position to make. As a member of another frequently-oppressed and misrepresented minority group, Id have hoped youd better understand. But privilege is pervasive, and it can be blinding. Im not saying we should storm the Baby KTan castle, but when you try to negate the experience of oppressed people - be they women, Blacks, or members of the gay community - you are doing everyone a disservice by using your position to delegitimize something that feels very real to folks whose experiences in life you will never have.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 05:58:28 +0000

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