Im usually not very confrontational, but there are a couple things - TopicsExpress


Im usually not very confrontational, but there are a couple things that bug me so bad that I cant help but call people out on them. Yesterday I was driving (to Home Depot, of course) a few cars behind this jerkwad who kept darting around from lane to lane, cutting closely in front of other cars, trying to get ahead in this line of dense but brisk traffic. And he was doing this WITHOUT USING HIS TURN SIGNAL!! Ive always felt like neglecting to use ones turn signal can only be interpreted as the calling card of a sociopath. By not blinking, you are saying that the safety of your fellow motorists is literally not worth your lifting a finger. My blood crept up to a slow boil. Ive witnessed this phenomenon too many times to count, but never before had the opportunity to address the offender. I was shaking with anticipation as we approached a red light. Despite this jerks jockeying for position, he arrived at the light just before I did. I rolled up next to him. His window was already down. If I didnt say anything at that moment, I would regret the missed opportunity forever. I rolled down my window. Can I ask you a question, I said, affably. Sure, He said. He was fifty-ish, grey-bearded, driving a Nissan Xterra. What have you got against turn signals? He immediately became defensive, of course. But instead of the curses and abuse I expected, I got the sheepish rationalization of a teenager busted for copying homework. Well, nobody pays attention to them anyway, he offered with a pout and a shrug. I had always wondered how a non-signaler would explain himself. I would not have guessed that his reasoning would be tantamount to Nobody cares what I say anyway, so Ill show them--Ill never talk again! We do pay attention. We really do, I said. You should try using them. The light changed and he sped off, hanging the next right without signalling.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 17:24:04 +0000

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