Im very honoured to get this sort of feed back from such a - TopicsExpress


Im very honoured to get this sort of feed back from such a gentleman and leader in the Health and Fitness game,and also in his own life. He is a pioneer in Australian Body Building.A devoted father and husband. He also runs one of Australias top gyms (Ultimate Gym Fitness up in beautiful Darwin) https://facebook/UltimateGymFitness Bodybuilding Titles: 2012 Mr Australia 1st Place 2012 NABBA World Championships 4th place 2013 Mr Australia 1st Place Thank you Phil Primmer for being apart of the BEAST MODE-Australia BROTHERHOOD. Also for all your guidance and support with the team and their up and coming comp preps. Good luck in the worldss in June my friend. BIG THINGS ARE COMING THE UPRISING HAS BEGUN, TOTAL DOMINATION. By Phil Primmer. Pushing into my forties I found myself evaluating my life, my worth, my core values and my beliefs. As we search for self-development in life we would be foolish to think we can work it ALL out for ourselves. We can’t be experts at everything and in understanding this, it’s ok to observe and be mentored and even to model ourselves on other people that we respect as leaders and as successful people to improve who we are and to push the boundaries of what we want in life. For myself personally I have looked to lots of different people to model myself on as a person because we are so intricate and layered and because no one person is perfect. Hopefully I have had something to offer back to each of these people in different ways. I think it’s perfect and as it should be that we do this and learn from each other to get ahead providing we also give back, help others reach their potential and share journeys together as we find our way. Looking at ways to be better than I was yesterday, I notice everywhere positivity in social media and many other forums of information that we expose ourselves to every day. Some very cool, some helpful tools, but to be honest, most have a feminine energy and are the same message written over and over with different words. I was looking for something with less fluff, fairy floss and rainbows. I did a 5 NLP practitioners course, because my wife had done this and I was struggling to understand the direction she had seemed to have evolved to. Unfortunately I immersed myself in a room full of many women that for want of a better description appeared in my mind to be broken and searching for some kind of fellowship to be connected to. Everybody needs some kind of church and fellowship. Some are religious and go to church, for some their footy club is their church. Bikies need the fellowship of their club. For me the gym is my church. So I get it, but it was hard for me to relate to this group of woman. The entire energy was feminine. I found although I was learning some great tools and understanding feminine energy better and being able to empathise with their various challenges, it was not very relatable on a lot of levels. Without question after each break or at the start of each day, the women would take it in turns to breakdown and cry and deal with their obstacles that I didn’t relate to. I am a leader, I am an alpha male, and none of that was going to fly in a room full of women. I am grateful for the experiences, lessons and tools that I came away with, but it still didn’t resonate with me deeply. I found half of it “fluff” and many of the techniques in my opinion only tackled the surface and didn’t get to the root of the problems, so it looked like a temporary fix from where I was sitting. Self-development to me meant success in life. For me that comes in 3 key areas in the form of financial success, relationship success and physical success. Although the coach was a beautiful caring person on the inside, I was unable to respect her in these 3 key areas of life. I had much more experience in every one of these areas than her and the only valuable lessons I could get from her was to strengthen my values and integrity. In a nutshell I struggled to be lead from a text book without the life experience to back it up. I started to notice a bunch of posts on Facebook from a page called “BEAST MODE AUSTRALIA” coming into my feed. I “Liked” the page, “liked” the unknown person behind it, Leigh Bundy. We then became FB friends as we all do these days, then also with his partner Regan Hillyer. Basically to keep it simple, I identified an NLP tone behind this, but it was different. The messages were of a masculine energy, they were real, relatable, grounded and were not just about “Be the best you, you can be”, “Love yourself and love others and everything will be in abundance” fluff that was everywhere else. The difference was the call to action! Every message came with relatable techniques and explanations, rather than just a cliché with no substance behind it. It was NLP, but it was freestyle and didn’t have the rehearsed “out of a text book” feel that I was seeing everywhere else. It had a sense of being very real and it resonated with me and I could connect with it from my own life experiences . I really loved this stuff! Then I noticed Leigh had moved to Bali, was engaged to Regan, was someone I identified as having a good level of physicality and appeared to generating a level of income and had a work ethic that I could respect. In other words he appeared to be walking the talk. Before too long Leigh was promoting the first Beast Mode Australia/Bali retreat in Bali. Leigh managed to identify that I was someone that he would like to have on the retreat and we got talking. From the first phone call I was always going to fork out the coin and get to Bali for this special event. I am a born leader, but I knew many of my leadership skills were not the most resourceful. Beast mode taught me the difference between masculine and feminine energy. Boy did I have that all wrong! I always thought that masculine energy was all about barking orders, swinging your dick around and demanding respect. All that is actually very feminine. Beast Mode Australia taught me that real masculine energy is all about leading people. Your significant other, friends, colleagues, anyone. If you can break old patterns and take control of any situation and by leading people to arrive at a positive outcome by finding solutions rather than staying in the effect you can change your life and the people life’s that you touch. I no longer focus on demanding and craving respect. It’s a waste of negative energy, I now just believe I am respected. That’s the energy and the vibration I am living with and the laws of attraction now deliver this to me all easily and effortlessly by my unconscious in the background. To anyone interested in this program and thinks it can help them, my advice is to tell yourself you deserve this. It’s not cheap, but I’ll put my weight behind the product and personally guarantee you that if you turn up prepared to play full out, you will get back in abundance a hundred fold financially, physically and spiritually to what you put into this. My only regret is not doing this sooner. Having these skills and putting them into place as early in life as possible will put you ahead of the pack and open you up to total domination of your own life. Going forward your life will be whatever you want it to be, if you are prepared to do more, get what you never had. If you are searching for someone to do the work for you, this isn’t for you. If you feel you just need the tools to unlock your call to action, this is a must do. These guys can show you the way, but you need to be the one to “unleash the beast.” Relating it to my area of expertise, it’s like having a bodybuilding coach that can share his knowledge with you, but it’s useless if you think you can make the changes sitting on the couch. The coach won’t chew your food or lift the weights for you, but he can show you the right nutrition to use and the advanced training techniques to make your transformation happen in the fastest possible time. The same goes for anything, if you are prepared to do the work, combined with the right mindset you can achieve ANYTHING. Beast Mode will help you to get the resources you need to call to action. I arrived there with limiting beliefs, negative energy and a number of obstacles holding me back. I left with the belief that life is whatever I want it to be… Phil Primmer Darwin, Australia
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 07:28:35 +0000

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