Im very interested in the FB response here from you dear people to - TopicsExpress


Im very interested in the FB response here from you dear people to my latest political rant - the Guardian/Mumsnet poll exclusing the Green Party - because the responses, from the likes, are more from my female friends than my men friends here. (My apologies for the polarisation, btw...) Ive noticed that when the really knotty conversations get going - especially on political matters here - the female voices are often in a minority. Now, I ,know its complicated, and I dont believe my male FB tribe here are being intimidating or unfriendly or anything. I wonder whether some of my female friends here hesitate a little longer than some of the men to state a political view? Men, I dont want you to stop! Youre splendid here. Women, I would like to ask whether you hesitate to add a view online - even here on FB on what I fervently hope is a pretty safe space (Ive banned a couple of folks here who didnt play nice, and it DOES matter to me that my FB tribe are behaving OK with each other here in my hosted space). No, dont tell me. Im not asking to put you on the spot. What I would like to do is suggest that the following expressions are also valid ways to start talking politics: - Thats not a subject Ive researched, but theres food for thought. - This particular one thing makes me very cross. - There has to be a better way to do X. Whos got some ideas? - Im not comfortable with the notion that Z. Is anyone else bothered by that? I know I spout a lot about politics and stuff here. Believe me, I used to be shy. I know theres tons I dont know. I hope I retain the ability to say when I dont know - and to be willing to find out. But Id like to gently challenge some of my less vocal friends: you can talk politics as well. Speak up. Be heard. And to my regular conversationists here, thank you for the training-ground you give me, and for the courtesy with which you conduct yourselves. I know I have at least one staunch Labour supporter, one Tory supporter, and one Lib Dem supporter regularly here, besides many Greens, many undecideds, and many more. I appreciate civil discourse, and thank you all for your part in that.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 18:51:08 +0000

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