Im very sorry and apologized to all dear facebook friends form - TopicsExpress


Im very sorry and apologized to all dear facebook friends form different countries who dont know much about my Khmer or Kampuchean history and the serious situations in my native country of Kampuchea or Cambodia today. Since the beginning of 2014, I havent had any good news and photos to post on my page regualarly. Id like to tell all of you that my country hasnt have an indenpendent country and full demorcracy for our Khmer people after Hun Sen, Heng Samrin and Chea Sim had betrrayed our Khmer people and Pol Pot in 1977 and also Ho Chi Minhs troops had invaded my native Kampuchean country in in January 1979. My native country has been ruled or governed by Hun Sen, Heng Samrin, and Chea Sim for over thirty years, yet my native country and my poor or real Khmer people still have been living in great poverty and impaired situations for our Khmer people to handle and live until today. Although the United Nation and foriegn aid has been trying to help my country and my poor Khmer people to get better since the collapsing of the Pol Pols regime, my country has been almost completely ruined, most of my poor Khmer people and children still have been homeless, become beggars, and lived in the very poor conditions. Since I had left my motherland in October 1979 to live in the Thai and Cambodia borders, different refugee camps inside Thailand, and the United States for over thirty years, I have never spoken out a word or much against Hun Sens, Heng Samrins and Chea Sims overcorrupt government or regime although I have known all about, but now its my time to speak out against them, bring up all about thier despotic rules over my Khmer people and country because I cant hold on any more to see my poor Khmer people and my living family members living in great povert and poor conditions as today. The three of them are the real traitors, betrayers and the robots or puppets of Vietnamse of Hanio. Therefore, they shouldnt have any rights to live and rule my motherland and people any more because they are all dont have their knowledge, moralities, honesty, abilities, and integrities inside their heads to show any good examples to my Khmer people and to the world...
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 14:58:59 +0000

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