Im voting #yesbecause Healthcare is a basic fundamental right - TopicsExpress


Im voting #yesbecause Healthcare is a basic fundamental right and should be available to everyone, not the highest bidder. The NHS is one of the best healthcare institutions in the world and it should be celebrated and invested in; not sold off piece by piece for a fraction of its value to some old Etonian. Nor should you have to pay to be treated. It’s a fact that free PRESCRIPTIONS SAVE money. People in low income homes south of the border have to choose whether to buy prescriptions or to buy food. When food wins, they end up in hospital. A hospital stay costs a heck of a lot more than a bottle of pills. Fact. I believe in a peaceful world where people my age are not legally obliged to conscript against their wishes. I believe in a government content with looking after their own people and not focussed on world domination. I believe that there is no need for war in modern times and that maybe if we left the other countries in peace (the way we would like to be left alone), the “terror groups” wouldn’t exist. Think about it.. if people kept coming here, blowing us up, raiding our country all in pursuit of oil, we would retaliate too. Ownership is determined by geography and it belongs to whoever’s land it is on. Simple. Did you know we have had only one whole year of being conflict free since the Act of the Union in 1707? Check it, completely true. As a follow on from my last point; I believe in a nuclear free world. The only way to get this is to vote YES. Now the BT parties are slavering on about other options for getting rid of the nukes but this is not going to happen. They have absolutely no intention in moving Trident from Faslane at any point. Scottish people are worth less than people from the rest of the UK in their eyes and that makes us expendable to them. One less thorn in their side. Let them spraff on about universal disarmament. It is NEVER going to happen. Other countries (such as the USA) are never going to get rid of nukes while others have theirs. I believe the way to rid the world of nukes is unilaterally. I believe the world will look to an independent Scotland and follow our lead with regards to the proper way to run a peaceful country. I believe in a greener country. A country that invests in renewable energy and becomes a world leader in creating a CLEANER planet. A country that uses our plentiful wind and wave power to rid the need for fossil fuels and make the world a better place little by little. I believe in a fairer society. a society where people are not hindered by where they come from, but pushed by their capacity to get to where they want to be. I believe in a free education for anyone who is able and wants to seek one. Regardless of whether they live in Morningside or the Gorbals, Aberdeen, Oban or the Borders. I believe in a country where everyone is paid an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work. I believe in a country where working pays more than living on benefits and helps people find a decent job rather than sanctioning them for daring to become redundant. I believe in a country that aims to provide free childcare to allow women to go back to work. As a young woman, it is important to me to know that having my own family no longer has to be the kiss of death to my career due to the astronomical costs of good childcare. I do NOT believe in a fully developed union in the western world, which boasts to be a leading player in the world and claims to be among the richest on the planet having a high numbers of families with two parents in full time EMPLOYMENT but still have to beg for food like we live in the dark ages. I do NOT believe in a union which gives handouts and taxbreaks to their rich friends while people die every year from hypothermia and starvation due to higher than inflation rises in fuel and food costs and no rise in income to compensate. I do NOT believe in a union which charges people for having a spare bedroom in their homes. And to be perfectly honest, I find the whole idea of the spare room subsidy ridiculous. I believe that Scotland is a country which deserves self regulation. In the words of Winston Churchill “ only the ancient Greeks surpass the Scots’ contribution to humanity”. We deserve to make our own decisions about the issues that affect us. We deserve to get the government we vote for every time we vote and not be stuck with Tory governments that we do not want and who are so out of touch with Scottish values. We can be independent, we must be independent and we should be independent. #youyesyet #teenindyref ~Craichte.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 13:51:56 +0000

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