Im watching the rerun of How the Universe Works. It is a - TopicsExpress


Im watching the rerun of How the Universe Works. It is a discussion on how black holes are at the center of all galaxies. Nobody knows which came first, the galaxy or the black hole. There is even some conjecture that super massive black holes may have been around before the first galaxy was born. There is even wilder conjecture that at the beginning, gases were so thick that they first formed super stars and beyond. The beyond is direct conversion. The gas never formed a star. It just fell straight in and became a black hole. Let me tear that apart. By one of the gas laws, the gas falling in would get very hot long before there was enough of it to go to direct conversion. The hot dense gas would have to become a star. There is not enough gravitation in a clump of gas to make it go to direct conversion. When it does become a star, the explosion pushes away surrounding gas beyond a certain radius and compacts some of it into gas giants or other stars. A competing hypothesis (my own) is that there was never a singularity from which the universe was born. Instead there was a large group of hyper massive black holes that came together. Instead of merging, the black holes closer to the center of the group became pure energy and space exploding outward. In the process all the surrounding black holes were busted up into smaller but still super massive black holes--billions of them. There was also plenty of hydrogen and helium released. The rest conforms to previous formation theories. What came before the big almost-crunch is anybodys guess. I am not all-knowing. I did enjoy the part about the discovery of super massive black holes in dwarf galaxies. That tends to support my hypothesis. For the first time a black hole is claimed not to be able to hold light in with only its gravitation--this for public consumption. I already knew that. Finding that there is no temporal event horizon is going to be harder to observe and to prove. Anybody out there, that is your assignment. Papers are due at the end of the school year. They will be graded on scientific integrity, originality, and whatever mood Im in.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 05:12:26 +0000

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