Im with my family now and I just wanted to say thank you for your - TopicsExpress


Im with my family now and I just wanted to say thank you for your prayers. I am sure reading about suicide is not pleasant. I understand. Grief for suicide is much different, but all grief is grief, but suicide grief is like grasping at the wind with a grasping for words. It is going and coming in waves, and all types of feelings, and such. Maybe it seems deep and uncomfortable. It is. The reason I am transparent is because mental illness is real, and so is nutritional starving of the brain. I want to make anyone and everyone and even myself so uncomfortable that they they want to deeply be uprooted from thinking beliefs that are lies that eventually create the wiring in our brains to toxic levels that do eventually create illnesses. Thinking badly about yourself IS ABUSE and it will make you sick, friend. Its wrong and I am telling myself this too. Your thought life and your emotional life must be expressed and felt. You must get to the roots of why you do what you do and come out of denial and become very aware of why you continue to be addicted to disappointment or other emotions. Thinking badly of yourself leads to abuse & pain on yourself and others. If you feel useless you must STOP! JUST STOP! JUST STOP! Take captive those thoughts and speak life. Speak truth. Also be very practical. Are you getting enough sleep? Are you getting enough water? Are you feeding your body the nutrients it requires? Are you monitoring your stress levels? Are you increasing your skills so you can make as much money as you can so you can stop suffering from financial stress and pain? There is nothing quite like financial stress. It hurts people in ways not many other things can and that stress makes you sick. When speaking with people who may appear to be angry or unstable perhaps learning the skills of asking effective questions will help set them free... There is so much running through my mind right now. Upon arriving I discovered the only thing my Uncle had been eating was jelly. Can you imagine that horror when I found that out? I simply turned my head and put my hands on my mouth. It was like a dart ran right through me. Why didnt I know this? Why didnt I ask? Why didnt I..... Yes, those questions every single one of our family who did check on him did not always see this practical thing of his inability to get groceries because he was too terrified to get out of his house.... I think what if he just had consistent eating and nutrition? In a moment of despair he gave in. Do not underestimate how important the basic practical things are in life. So I ask you... if you are suffering in any way... what is going on in your meals, what are you eating, do you have good food? Have you been eating regularly? Have you been sleeping and getting bed early? Between the hours of 10pm & 2am most important times to sleep... and what is going on in your finances? Stress kills. All this combination over time will affect you until one day your body says enough! So this long blog post I write - I am declaring this day I shall not, will not, and absolutely CANNOT tolerate any abuse of words that put you down, me down, and most of all create a belief that is a lie. Life and death are in the power of the tongue! Its time to be more aware of how our thoughts and feelings truly affect us, and everyone around us. You have no rights to keep secrets that keep you sick! Heal your secrets and be free! With that note, I am going to bed. Goodnight. I love you! YES, I do! Love, Andrea Delaine
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 03:47:08 +0000

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