#Imagine -- Yongguk of B.A.P Walking down the street, I look at - TopicsExpress


#Imagine -- Yongguk of B.A.P Walking down the street, I look at the ground. My friend was supposed to see a movie with me after a drink at the nearby café but she left early. ‘Maybe I should just go on my own? I think as I walk down the road slowly. The Cinema is just around the corner and I have to make my decision. ‘I’m going to go alone’ I decide, really wanting to see the movie. I look up as I walk, and head into the Cinema. I stand, looking at the poster of the movie and sigh. Seeing a movie alone... how sad I think to myself. I turn around to go to the ticket booth and almost walk into a boy standing behind me. I stop walking so that I don’t bump into him, and look at him. He is acting quite shy, trying to figure out what to say. “Ah.. Annyeong” He says, smiling. I give a small smile back, wanting to buy my ticket already. I slightly bow my head, before moving to walk around him. “Oh, wait!” He says, holding my arm lightly and rushing to stand in front of me again. “W-what is it?” He glances to a pair of people waiting by the entrance and they signal him to hurry up. I-um... I have an extra ticket to that movie... Would you like to see it with me? He asks, showing me the ticket. Why would you have an extra ticket? I asked, weary of him, even though he seems friendly. My girlfriend dumped me just now, and they dont take refunds... He explains, before looking at me hopefully. I think it over, then nod slightly. I guess so... I can pay you for the ticket I offer and he refuses. Ah no, dont worry about it. By the way my names Yongguk He says, smiling cutely. ________ You say, returning the smile. Yongguk motions for you to follow him, and starts walking to the food counter. Do you want any food? He offers, looking back at me. Sure I say, accepting the popcorn he passes me. The other two people had given up waiting for Yongguk and already headed in. We walk into the theater and theres awkward silence between us as we sit and wait for the movie. Thank you for seeing this with me Yongguk whispers, leaning close to my side. It would look a little sad if I went alone I respond, seeing Yongguk smile brightly. Maybe I could buy you a drink after the movie? Well Im not going to say no I respond before shhing him as the lights dim and the movie starts. ~ #LillyJay ~
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 07:34:02 +0000

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