Imagine a house is on fire with someone inside it, and you are - TopicsExpress


Imagine a house is on fire with someone inside it, and you are able to save that person one way or the other. Even though you saved him from death that day, that was only a temporal salvation. You only saved his body; but what about his soul? If that person wasn’t born again and dies, you haven’t saved his soul from hell and eternal fire. Brothers and sisters, I’d like you to take soul winning more seriously. Soul winning is demonstration of your love for humanity, just as God loved the world and did something about it (John 3:16). Can you really love someone, and not mind that he or she is going to hell? Think about it. Every day you interact with people in your sphere of contact; there are those of them who aren’t saved. What are you doing about it? The life of every human person is precious to God. Jesus came to save the whole world from destruction; legally He has finished His work, but you and I have been mandated to bring the people of the world into the vitality of what has been done for them. If you know people who have not been saved, start praying for the salvation of their souls, and also take out time to preach to them. Sometimes, some people pray for their loved ones to be saved for wrong reasons, that’s why it doesn’t work out. For instance, a woman who prays for her husband to be born again so he can be a better husband, and be more responsible at home is praying with selfishness and greed as her motivation. This is so because she isn’t concerned about his soul, but about their earthly gratification. Such a prayer has been colored with selfishness and greed and it might not be heard. This is why when she begins talking to him about Jesus he gets angry, or he only gets saved after a very long time. Apostle James said in James 4:3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. As you go out to win souls, you must be focused on eternal salvation. Fix our mind on those things that count with God, and the Holy Spirit will work with you and bring that salvation through. Let your evangelism be motived with a heart of love toward the people, and a desire to see them come into their inheritance in Christ, and fulfill God’s call upon their lives. Be there for God and win a Soul TODAY!!!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 07:12:56 +0000

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