Imagine a world where everyone was satisfied with what he or she - TopicsExpress


Imagine a world where everyone was satisfied with what he or she had in thought forms -not possessions - which he or she could share with the world according to the energetic laws of attraction and not want or need. Imagine not having to possess or rule over another but to love them unconditionally so as to share all things in life when energies become so low for a person that they begin to seek want - possession or ownership of a thing. Imagine being content with all that surrounds your aura and manifested sphere or bubble to a level where nothing cannot be discarded for another in their time of want - need - or attraction to the same things in life.Would you give all that you require so as to sustain you for a brief now moment in order to provide the wishes of another who is not so gifted with a memory of how things once were? Do you only sacrifice in life for the little ones or do you wish to sacrifice for all who represent your many other selves on your world? How far are you willing to go in this sacrifice - and will you brag and boast about it when the sacrifice is made - or will you recognize it as service to self affections nonetheless and do so no matter the energies and levels of consciousness involved? Everything we do in the present third density plane is in service to self because in the end we seek to soften the hearts of self and do a good deed to satisfy the rational human mind and not the heart as the heart is guided by rational human thoughts as long as the human is not awakened to Absolute Truth and Data - not knowing what is truly best for the one or the Whole. Please admit it friends- everything we do in life is to satisfy our own lower understanding and not that of higher self. No matter what you wish for you or for some other - still it is you deciding what is to be offered - carried out - or acted upon all towards the benefit of self conscious understanding. To offer or provide for another is simply service to self because in the end you decide whether to act or to remain passive in each and every situation. If you do nothing you harm no one and you bring harm and loss to no one as you are responsible for self when in higher energies and consciousness. When you act when another has requested your opinions - decisions - or actions in the end it is still you who decide the outcome in said request. Would you actually choose to pray to an unknown God separate from yourself for the things you or another requires or seeks in life? What is your lack - what is their lack? Do you realize that when a human soul recognizes or creates the lack of a thing in their life that they also create the need as well as the absence for said thing? If they however choose to remain content with all that they have in their life and presence to sustain them then their needs and wants are fulfilled and they are therefore in lack and want for nothing. Be content with all that you experience and interact with on energetic levels of bodies and forms of all kinds - all that you have access to in life - and share all things according to who seeks them - those being all of your other selves in life. If you reflect on things you believe you need - remain content and they will be provided in their season if in fact they serve the good of the One or Whole in being manifested and created on your world. Do not downgrade others for their choices in life as all seek to make their own choices based on their own illusions of want - need - and ruling loves in life - and they are not therefore at their season of life yet so as to be capable of connecting with their higher selves and full consciousness as of yet. Be completely forgiving of all - including yourselves - and come to live your lives in unconditional love for all other selves - as the world around you is made up only of other selves - given that all within the expanded universe of creation is truly self. Are you still in the illusion that you need or want something that you do not have or possess? Get rid of the illusion of possessing or owning a thing and come to share with all other selves around you in life - getting rich or getting resources that provide complete abundance in life will not sustain you or rid you of lack and want - but rather always being content with little or much will in fact do so in the end. So who is enslaving the people of your world? Who has provided for the masses at any level and can take away these things and cause harm - pain - or suffering for anyone? It is each of you individually as happiness and contentment is within the grasp of every living soul on your world - and only the human soul or being individually can create the illusion of want and lack in the end. They ( the rulers and law makers of your world) can only offer you things and take them away according to your accepting them in the first place. If they place a law over your head is it any greater a law than those set forth in the higher densities where every soul is responsible for self? You are a law within yourselves and it is each of you that chooses to join in to binding agreements or contracts with others. If they create a contract or law that is not agreeable to your ruling love in life simply remain in your sphere or bubble that is your surrounding protective sphere in life - and have no fear of what others can do to you who reside outside your bubble. If however one of you decides to travel outside your own protective bubble and sphere of life you take on the responsibility of submitting yourselves to their rules - their regulations - their agreements and contracts - and their laws. The fear that they will come to you no matter what is simply a fear that according to the laws of attraction will actually bring them to you - and cause them to invade your sphere or bubble of life - in which case the laws of attraction are constantly at work providing the contrast to all things - as well as fulfilling every fear the human soul might create for him or her self in third density life. Lose the fear - remain true to self and your own ruling love in life - and do not venture out into another s bubble - sphere - or space - unless you seek to submit yourself in life to those ruling loves of each and every other self residing upon your world. Therefore if you make agreements or go to contract with other selves - you are attracting the ruling loves of other selves in your life - and you get all that their ruling love has to offer at any given time. We end this transmission and we leave you all in unconditional love. We come to you through our human host Daniel - we love you all unconditionally in our lower densities as well as our highest of densities - and so we leave you in our love.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 23:02:22 +0000

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