Imagine a world without “White” people ??? (This is a - TopicsExpress


Imagine a world without “White” people ??? (This is a serious discussion no inflammatory remarks on either side please) Well that is very likely to happen the way the world is changing. Should “White “ people be preserved, should action betaken to ensure that white people remain part of the human race or should they be allowed to disappear altogether We are of course all humans but its clear there are 3 major races of humans, Caucasian, Negroid and Mongoloid. As well as approx 30 sub races The world is changing fast and the population is set to rise from 7 billion to 11 billion, none of this increase will come from Caucasians or white people, they are in decline. There are some people who claim that fearing the demise of white people is fear of a brown world, the reality is its unlikely there will ever be a brown world but maybe a black world. The black and asian races will grow significantly we shall have a situation where Caucasians will amount to approx 1 billion people, Negroid 4 billion and Mongoloids 6 billion. Each culture or race requires a birth rate of 2.11 children to replenish and survive, Caucasians have a birth rate of around 1.6 world wide. I believe that every colour every race and every culture deserves the space to thrive and be treated on an equal basis. Every person should be with whomever they wish regardless of colour, religion, race or creed and it maybe in time the white genes will disappear, but should humans intervene on a human level to ensure white people do survive for as long as the two other main races survive or should we allow them to die out It wont happen in our lifetime but it is now very likely to happen Should anything be done ?? Can anything be done ?? If so what suggestions do you have theguardian/uk/2000/sep/03/
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 16:41:45 +0000

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