Imagine by: Sana Butt hi, can you post my imagine on your page? I - TopicsExpress


Imagine by: Sana Butt hi, can you post my imagine on your page? I LOVE YOUR PAGE! thanks and can you post my name as just : SANA You were zayns best friend. You met when you were just kids and then became closer to him and the boys when they became a band. You were the kind of person they trusted and told all of their secrets and crushes to- you were their girl help on picking up girls: you told them everything that a girl looked for in a guy, never once refrencing that they were these hot celebrities that any girl would say yes to. You were always there backstage during their concerts, always cheering them on, always supporting them. It was the night after their concert in Paris when you were all staying in this fancy french hotel, when late night while you were sleeping in your master-bedroom, you heard a knock on the door that seperates you from the one of the boys rooms. Without even replying to the knock, Harry enetered your room. Ummm, what are you doing here? you said. y/n,, I had a nightmare. he replied. Okay, so what do you want me to do? you asked partly laughing. Can I sleep here? Harry asked you. What? No. Why dont you sleep with Zayn? you asked, just imagining why Harry wanted to sleep with YOU when there were 4 other people he could sleep with. I like you better than Zayn. He said, giving that charming smile of his, the one that you thought just EVERY girl fell for. Fine. you said Harry quickly walked towards you just about ready to get in bed with you, when you pushed him off. Aghh, what the...? I thought you said I could... Sleep on the floor. you interrupted. And smiled. Harry bit his lip and lied down on the cold floor, as you shut off the lights, and got in bed. Goodnight, y/n. Harry said Night, now shut up. you replied, smiling in the dark. About half an hour later, Harry started complaining about how cold the floor was and how he was still scared. So you decided to quit the role you were playing, and let him in. Get in. you said. Awww, thanks, I love you. he replied. You sighed, they always said that. I love you- theyd always say that to you, but it wasnt ever true love- not like they ever had a crush on you. You closed your eyes and lay still on the bed, trying not to move, trying not to touch Harry. Do you have a boyfriend? he asked, completley out of the blue. If I did, wouldnt I of told you? You replied, tired. Yeah you wouldve. he admitted. A few minutes later..... y/n, do you love Zayn? Im going to freaking kick you out of this bed, and youll be back on the floor if you dont shut up. you replied, with a smile-which he couldnt see, but could probably hear in your voice. And no....Im not inlove with Zayn, why would you ever think that? you asked curiously. I dont know y/n... Are you cold? he asked you Harry, its Paris in winter- of course Im cold, everyone is. Now I beg you to please shut up and not talk or I swear this will be it. you said, completley exhausted of the day. Just one last thing....Okay? he begged. what? you asked. I promise I wont talk, for the rest of the night, or annoy you if you promise not to kick me off of the bed if I do something.... Do what? you asked, kind-of scared. This. he said, as he inched closer to you and wrapped his arms around you, and dug his chin into your neck and with his left hand he held your hand and then didnt say a word after that. And I didnt kick him off the bed. ~HoranHug
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 15:59:32 +0000

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