#Imagine for Abby (a.k.a. Lou’s Carrot) : “You look…” - TopicsExpress


#Imagine for Abby (a.k.a. Lou’s Carrot) : “You look…” Harry started. You came out of your room and saw Harry Styles, your prom date and your boyfriend, and your dad sitting in the living room. Harry stood up as soon as you walked out of the room. You wore a purple sweetheart neckline, strapless dress. Your best friend had curled your hair, and did your makeup a few hours before. You smiled and blushed. You walked over to Harry, but just when you were a couple steps in front of him, you tripped and fell into his arms. You looked up and stared into his green eyes. “… beautiful,” Harry finally finished. “Ok, that’s enough,” your dad walked between the two of you. “Oh, honey, leave ‘em be. Prom picture time!” your mom said cheerfully. She already had the camera up and ready. “You two look so cute!” she squealed. You and Harry took some funny pictures together, and then some nice formal ones, and left to head over to your school for prom. Every time Harry would stop at a red light or a stop sign, he’d take a minute to look at you. “Harry,” you would say. “Yes, love?” his accent made you blush harder than you already were. “We’re gonna be late,” you smiled. “The party won’t start ‘til we walk in,” Harry joked. “Harry,” you giggled. Harry would then go, or wait ‘til the light turned green, and you two were there with about fifteen minutes left until the gym doors opened to start your very first prom. You two decided to go look for Niall and your best friend. When you found them, you took pictures of them together, pictures of Niall and Harry, and of you and your best friend, and you also took group pictures of all of you together. You and Harry finally left Niall and your friend alone to go inside to start dancing. “Don’t have too much fun!” your friend winked. You and Harry walked into the crowded gym and took a seat at a table. You guys both ate a couple finger foods, and then got up to dance. The songs were really fast and upbeat, so you and Harry looked like complete retards on the dance floor. You two were both fine with that though. You could tell that everyone was drunk or buzzed though. “Everyone here is drunk,” Harry pointed out. “I’m surprised the chaperones haven’t noticed,” you shout over the music. A slow song comes on afterwards, and everyone is still jumping up and down and shouting at the top of their lungs. You and Harry try dancing slow, but even pushed up against each other, you and Harry are getting bumped into, smacked, and pushed out of other people’s way. You look over at the table where you two were sitting and noticed Niall and your best friend, Layla, sitting there. You see them talking, and then you see them get up to leave, hand-in-hand. Layla notices you and Harry getting shoved in the crowd, and asks Niall a question. Niall nods his head, and you see Layla motioning her head to come towards them. “Layla wants us,” you tell Harry over the hooting and hollering. You two walk over to the couple. “We’re gonna go to the football field where we can at least have one slow dance tonight,” Layla said. “Wanna come with us?” Niall asked you. “It’s better than dancing in here,” Harry says, taking your hand. You follow Niall, Layla, and Harry to the gym. You could still hear the music over the intercom system. The slow song was almost over, so you girls took off your high heels and started running to the field. “Last one there’s buying Bippy’s later tonight!” you shout. The boys look at one another, shrug their shoulders and smile, and run after you girls. You girls round the corner and pushed the doors open. You and Layla run through the parking lot, dropping your high heels on the ground. The hard pavement was hurting your feet, but you didn’t care. You looked behind you and saw Harry and Niall were catching up to you. They lost their ties and unbuttoned their undershirts to breathe a little. You faced forward and saw Layla still running in front of you. You ran passed the bleachers, onto the dry grassy patch, and onto the field. The dewy grass under your feet felt amazing. It was better than concrete. Your feet were hurting you. You all laugh and catch your breath as Harry walks over to you, wrapping his hands around your waist. You wrap your hands around his neck, and your foreheads touch as your hard breathing slowly slows down. You two start swaying back and forth on the grass. You look into his green orbs as he looks into your blue ones. He smiles and bites his lip. He pulls you closer to him, and kisses you gently on the lips. You end up putting your feet on top of Harry’s as you dance, and as Harry’s feet slowly moved, yours did too. You laid your head on Harry’s chest and looked over at Layla and Niall, doing the same thing. You feel Harry put his head down to where his face was buried in your neck. You saw Layla close her eyes and smile and you thought about how happy she was. You thought about how happy you were. You tried to imagine a life without Harry, but you couldn’t. “There’s no music,” you mumbled to him. “We don’t need any,” you could feel Harry smile. Neither of you moved. You giggled and you decided to close your eyes and just listen to the beat of Harry’s heart. Harry started to quietly sing ‘Isn’t She Lovely’ in your ear as you danced. When it came to the end of the song, you pulled away, and looked into his eyes. You leaned in for a kiss, but then the sprinklers came on, getting you soaked. You squealed, and grabbed Harry’s hand, and started running. You tripped and tumbled with Harry down on the dry grass where the sprinklers were off. You landed with Harry on top of you, and your dress torn at the bottom. “Sorry, love,” he smiled. “Layla can fix that,” you said, laughing. Harry looks from your tear back up to you. Your eyes lock and he passionately, but at the same time, gently, kisses you. You wrap your arm around his neck and kiss him back, harder. When you pull away, Harry gets up, and helps you up. You look out onto the field where you saw Layla taking her dress off to reveal shorts and a tank top under her dress. Layla and Niall started kissing each other passionately, and you smiled. “Of course, Layla would,” you commented at the fact that only Layla would have shorts and a tank top under her dress. “Come on, let’s leave the two love birds alone,” Harry grabbed your hand and you start walking into the parking lot, looking for your shoes. You found them, but you wanted to carry them instead of put them on. You look back and see Niall carrying Layla on his back, soaking wet. You walk over to them, handing them Layla’s shoes, and you all head to Bippy’s. Niall and Layla were in the back, you and Harry in the front. You go to the frozen yogurt shop, and eat there, and then you left to go drop Niall and Layla off at the school to pick up their car. Harry brings you home, and walks you up to the door, carrying you bridal style since you fell asleep. He got up to your door, and opened it. He walks you up to your room, and lays you down in your bed. He tucks you in, and kisses your forehead. You smile in your sleep, and hear your door shut. You wake up and sleepily walk to your bedroom door. You wanted to tell Harry you loved him before he left, and that you wanted him to stay, but you paused. You heard voices outside your door. “Did you two have fun?” it was your dad talking to of course, Harry. “Yes sir,” you heard Harry say. You look down at your feet and smile. “She’s lucky to have a boy like you,” your father said. You looked up at your door. A bigger smile came across your face. “No, sir. I’m lucky to have a girl like her, sir,” Harry said. Your eyes filled with tears as you opened the door slowly. You saw your dad and Harry talking right there. Harry turned around and smiled. “Can he stay?” you managed through the lump in your throat. You smiled as happy tears swelled. Harry looked at your dad, as did you. “Fine,” he nodded, “but leave the door open.” Harry went back into the room with you, and laid down with you, humming you to sleep. Sorry its so long, I couldn’t stop… Hope you like it ! XxHarrys CupcakexX
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 08:48:12 +0000

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