Imagine for Ashley x : “Alright, fifty bucks. If you go the - TopicsExpress



Imagine for Ashley x : “Alright, fifty bucks. If you go the entire day without eating all this carnival food junk, then you get fifty bucks. If you cave and eat it, I get the money. Deal?” you ask Niall, reaching out a hand to shake on it. “Deal,” he affirms, clasping your hand and pumping his in yours. Despite all your doubts, he manages to surprise you and not eat a thing all morning. He munches on the healthy foods you’d brought along so the boy wouldn’t starve all day. When you go off in search of something to eat for lunch, you catch up with Niall as he’s talking to Zayn. Neither of them sees you, and next thing you know, Niall is taking a bite of Zayn’s fried dough. “Ha! You lose! Fork over the money!!” you shout, gaining their attention. “I couldn’t help it!!” Niall whines in defense. “Doesn’t matter - I win, you lose!!” you rub in his face. He groans and runs his palm down his face. “Might as well enjoy the rest of this, man. It cost you fifty bucks, afterall,” Zayn teases, handing Niall the rest of the fried dough. Hope you liked it ! ~Holly
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 09:19:30 +0000

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