Imagine for Becca with Niall You stepped off the plane with your - TopicsExpress


Imagine for Becca with Niall You stepped off the plane with your boyfriend Niall into the city of Love. Paris, Niall bought you here on his private jet because he wanted to spend as much time with you privately as he could before him and the boys start their next tour in a couple weeks. “Niall, it’s gorgeous but it’s a little chilly…” You said as you tried to warm your hands… “Here you go princess…” He told you while he put his jumper over you which left him with only wearing a long sleeve shirt. “Won’t you get cold Niall?” You asked. “I’m from Ireland remember?” He said as he gave you a kiss on the cheek. You two were placed in a black taxi as your bags were being put into the boot of the car by your escorting driver and personal security guard. Niall sat next to you in the back with his arm around you and with his free hand holding yours. He was so warm compared to how you felt so you nuzzled into his chest in the car and fell asleep. ……….. “Becca, wake up princess we are here!” Niall told you gently nudging you but still holding you in his embrace. “Where are we?” You questioned him and a huge smile grew across his face, he let you go and stepped out of the car and left the door open, he gave his hand to yours and helped you out of the car. You’re stunned at the house that was right in front of you, it was so beautiful. It was white but it looked quite old as there were a couple cracks but the nature that grew over it covered it quite well. There were flowers that bloomed over the leaves and vines that overgrew the house. It had a large brown wooden door and you were wondering if you were ever going to want to leave it. “Come on Becca, let’s look inside shall we?” He told you with the smile plastered on his face like a little kid excited about going to the fair. You two ran to the door and Niall opened it but didn’t let you in. He picked you up bridal style and walked through the huge lounge room which had a French style to it, looked pretty modern compared to the outside. He carried you up the stairs; you didn’t object him carrying you because he did it all the time, and if you did he would be stubborn and never put you down. When you got upstairs, there were a couple rooms but you didn’t notice there were another flight of stairs and Niall carried you up those as well very easily and you held onto his neck just to make sure. “Niall, how big is this house?” You said while laughing, it had taken just ten minutes trying to find the room. “Not that much further, we will be there, it’s just down the end…” He said, he wasn’t struggling at all, in fact he started walking a little quicker guessing that he wanted to get to the room. “Close your eyes princess…” You closed them and nuzzled your face into Nialls’ warm chest. You felt that you were being lowered and you were comfortably sat onto something very soft. You opened your eyes and the bedroom you were in was very romantic. It was also French themed but a lot of it was red, black and white coloured based. You had a beautiful wooden frame bed, there was a day bed at the end of the room and two large glass window doors on the side with red see through curtains. “Come here Becca, I want to show you something….” Niall was standing at the glass doors so you walked over to him and stood beside him. He opened the doors to reveal the view of Paris, you could clearly see the Eiffel Tower and parks and people with all the little cafes scattered around. It was beautiful, one of the most amazing sights you had ever seen. The glass doors lead onto a balcony which had two chairs and a table. You walked forward and lent onto the balcony frame. “Niall, this is so beautiful, I never thought we were going to stay anywhere like this…” As you said this you didn’t notice Niall behind you. You felt a pair of warm hands on your hips and they slowly moved around to your stomach embracing you into a hug. Niall was hugging you and that’s one of the things you loved about him, which he would come behind you and hug you like that. He gently kissed your neck and you could feel his warm breath against your ear. “You are the most beautiful sight I have ever seen, this doesn’t even compare to how beautiful you are, and you’re my 8th wonder of the world…” He told you in his thick Irish accent; it sent shivers down your spine and made the hair at the back of your neck stand up. You turned around with him still hugging you around the waist; you placed your hand behind his neck and played with his hair. “It’s perfect Niall, this is perfect, my prince charming…” You smiled at him, he seemed absolutely happy as well, then you saw a tear fall from his eye, you wiped it with your thumb. “What’s wrong baby?” You asked him, he simply smiled “I’ve never been happier in my life than this moment, that’s all…” He said, you didn’t reply all you did was look at him with a smile plastered along your face. Niall then runs his thumb down your cheek, you two get closer and only a centre metre away from his lips… “I love you Becca…” It was the first time he ever said he loved you… You didn’t reply instead, you place your lips gently on his and he accepts, you both kiss for a couple moments taking in the sweetness and tenderness of his lips and you pull away. “I love you too Niall…” He then lifted you up and spun you around happily then runs inside with you and puts you on the bed. He sweetly gives you a small kiss and that was how your vacation with Niall started, it was the best moment out of the whole trip… ~Mrs.PierinneStyles
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 07:33:03 +0000

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