Imagine for Brianna Bledsoe. :) You and Niall were bestfriends - TopicsExpress


Imagine for Brianna Bledsoe. :) You and Niall were bestfriends for more then 10 years, and today he was coming back from the TMH tour. Right now you were waiting at the airport for him. You were actually quit nervous you havent seen him for so long! You felt someone tap your shoulder, so you turned around. NIAALL! you shouted as you hugged him. He laughed and hugged back. I missed you so much! Hows my bestfriend? you asked smiling. He smiled back at you. Well, quit tired but im fine. What about you? he asked. You heard the rest of the boys coming. Im fine, shall we go to your flat? I cleaned your flat a little bit since it was well .. a hot mess you said laughing. Aw, thats very ni- wait how did you open the door? he asked confused. You laughed since he gave you the keys by himself. Niall you gave me the keys yourself! you said. He looked even more confused. Really? when? he asked. When you left for the tour you gave me your spare keys and said I could use your flat if I needed to you said. Oh yeahhh! Now i remember. he said laughing. You guys walked to your car. Did you bought a new car? Niall asked. You nodded. Do you like it? you asked. Yeah, its beautiful he said laughing. ------------------------------------------------------------- You 2 arrived at Nialls flat and Niall asked you if you wanted to stay a little bit longer. You agreed. So how was the tour? Tell me everything! you said as you sat on the couch next to Niall. Well, it was REALLY amazing its so so nice to see alll of our fans. Yes im a little bit tired but it was totally worth it he said. He yawned. Aw, that was cute. Youve got to admit youve always had a crush on Niall but you thought it would ruin your friendship. Hey Brianna .. Niall said a little but nervous. Yes Niall? You asked .. You know when i was on tour a lot of fans thought you were my girlfriend, crazy right? he said blushing. Oh really? thats funny you said chuckling. And oohh how you wish it was true. Niall didnt respond and there was a really awkward silence .. Brianna Niall said. Yeah? .. Niall looked at you and leaned in and kissed you. Wow your first kiss with Niall it was so ... perfect. Brianna I-i love you. Ive loved you since the day i saw you but .. i just thought it would ruin our friendship so I never said anything .. He said. Niall, I-i love you too You said. He smiled. Really? I-i mean if you don- you cutted him off and kissed him again. I do love you, you idiot you said laughing. So .. will you be my girlfriend? he said withh hope in his eyes. Of course i will! you said. He hugged you and both of you still had a wonderfull night.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 16:14:04 +0000

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