Imagine for Harry and Pagan. I look next to myself admiring my - TopicsExpress


Imagine for Harry and Pagan. I look next to myself admiring my fast asleep boyfriend, his soft breathing the only thing that I could hear. I couldn’t help but lean over and kiss him on his soft cheeks. Sending tingles to my mouth, I ran the back of my hand down his face, hardly touching him, my hand then when up to his curls, I ran my hand though the ringlets when his eyes fluttered often. "Pagan?" Harry said I smiled "What are you looking at?" "You" Harry smiled at me "Come here" He said pulling me close to him. I turned myself around so his front was pressed against my back. His hand resting against my hip. I smiled as I felt his breathing against my neck. My eyes closed. "Pagan?" Harry whispered "Yes Harry?" I replied When he didn’t reply I guessed he wanted me to look at him so I turned my body around. Harry brushed off the hair that had fallen onto my eyes. "Pagan" "Yea?" Harry looked at me in the eyes for a while "I love you" he said The statement took me a bit of guard, we had never said to each other the ’l’ word, but as all the memories of us came rushing back to me of us watching the sunset, laughing till we couldn’t breathe, going on rollercoasters. I realised that I felt the same way towards him. “I, I love you too" I said keeping my eyes on his My lips crashed against his, hand sliding into his curls, Gently tugging on them as our mouths moved in sync. I pulled away from him for a moment and added “so much" I kissed him once again, and I suddenly realised he was all I wanted. I moved away from him again “I’m all yours" I slowly pushed my body on top of his, my hands moving down his toned torso As Harry’s hands moved from my ass to my hips; I felt the pad of his thumb rub over my bare skin just above my shorts. I slowly moved my hands up too his collarbones as he sucked at the skin on my neck, making me moan in pleasure. My back arched, as Harry slowly pulled back he whispered in my ear “Are you sure?" I nodded my head as soon as he said it; He was going to be my first time. As the night went on there was sweat, pain and tears but it was all worth it. I loved him, still to this day Right now I’m looking at him walking down the drive way with take out and our 5 year old daughter Lily, he is a great father. I’m now 2 months along with another baby girl, that night was special, I’ll never forget it. -NiallsClover
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 07:57:27 +0000

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