Imagine for Lauren Gomes You and Niall have been dating for 2 - TopicsExpress


Imagine for Lauren Gomes You and Niall have been dating for 2 years. He takes you out on a date. "Babe where are we going??" you whined. He knows you hate secrets. "We will get there eventually so just wait." he says. Putting his hand on your thigh and gave it a light squeeze. You start to pout and Niall just laughs it off. You start to think of a revenge. So you "accidentally" brush your hand over his crouch area and you feel him kind of froze. You rub your hand up and down his biceps. "Babe I am trying to drive." he says shakily. You lean in over to him and blow hot breath of air down his neck. "Cmon Niall. Just tell me where were going." you say seductively. You see the bulge in his pants growing. You nibble his earlobe. "Babe, just get back in your seat there are cops down the road." he says shakily. "Alright, but tonight youre gonna get it." you say seductively. He gulps. *20 minutes later* Niall pulls up at the beach. "Niall what are we doing here at this random beach?" you question. "This isnt some random beach. This is the place i met the most beautiful girl ever in my life." he says. "And who is that girl?" you say pretending you dont know. He steps closer to you and says "You." Your heart swoons, and you crash your lips into his and he kisses back. He pulls away and then gets down on one knee. You gasps. "Lauren, you are the peri peri sauce to my nandos even though that sounds a little weird but you are." you giggled. "The first time i saw you in this beach i made a vow to myself that i will one day marry this beautiful girl if its the last thing i do. Youre funny, smart and beautiful in all different ways. I always wanted God to send me a princess, but he sent me an angel instead." you start to tear up. "A beautiful angel." you tease. "A very very beautiful one." he says. "So what do you say?" he says. "What?" you say. "Will you marry me?" he says. "Yes." You say. And then you guys spent the night on the beach and listen to the waves crash against the shore :) I hoped you like it Lauren :) If you guys want one, just comment :) -DreamerForLife
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 04:52:14 +0000

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