Imagine if humans were free to do absolutely anything they wanted. - TopicsExpress


Imagine if humans were free to do absolutely anything they wanted. would the world be more of a bad place or a better place? Cause I think the reason people do bad shit is because of the frustration of not being able to do what you want. To answer this question you have to ask yourself is the majority of the world a bunch of bad people or good people Cause if theres more good than bad then the good can overpower the bad if the bad got out of line. What if instead of the police there was like a peoples court and peoples justice system where if the bad guy got out of line everyone in that town/suburb would judge whether what they did was a bad thing. And if it was. Then youd use the peoples media to blast theyre photo on every news channel letting everyone know to be weary of that person.But not to put them down and automatically make everyone assume that they are guilty but to make sure everyone who wanted anything to do with theyre hearing knew when it would be held. The peoples court would be for anyone to attend. So every town or suburb would have there own sort of coliseum where you go to talk about how you all want to deal with the situation. The people who give a damn about how his trial turns out get a say and eventually you all vote what happens to them. Whether or not to ban him from the town to live somewhere else or let them stay Ovcourse if we were free to do what we want then money would not be anything. everything is free but people will have to make for themselves the things that they desire. Or if you were to want something from another you Must share it with others. I think if all humans werent weirded out by first contact with other humans the world would be a better place, I mean you can meet someone and judge whether you will like them within 5 minutes of meeting them. But as the sayin goes dont judge a book by its cover. If we were free to do anything would that first contact judgement not exist anymore because we would all be equal?? I think about this shit so much. Does anyone else? Do I make any valid points? Am I a dickhead for asking this shit? Are u a dickhead for thinking Im a dickhead for asking this shit? If it rains does it really poor? If you put one carrot in one bucket and 2 more in another bucket and took all of them out of each bucket how much carrots would you have?? The answer the 3. The rest of the questions I would like the general Facebook public to shed some light on.
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 07:46:45 +0000

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