Imagine if there was a force inside your body that was constantly - TopicsExpress


Imagine if there was a force inside your body that was constantly and relentlessly trying to tear you apart throughout every moment of your existence. Its never not there. People who deal with mental illness have a strength and bravery many people are fortunate enough not to have to understand; they are fighting a battle against an internal force, and every day that they keep fighting and refuse to give in, they are the winner. By continuing to take care of themselves and refusing to give up, people with mental illness are amongst the strongest people alive. Unfortunately, this is something people dont always recognise. It takes bravery to acknowledge that you have a mental illness, and even more bravery to share this with others. huffingtonpost/chelsea-stephens/the-strength-behind-peopl_b_5974952.html?utm_hp_ref=healthy-living
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 03:47:33 +0000

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