Imagine living every day of your life in pain, knowing that today - TopicsExpress


Imagine living every day of your life in pain, knowing that today is the best you will ever feel again because it will only get worse tomorrow...and the next day...and the next day...that is how many of us live our lives knowing that every day we wake up, we face the pain all over again and struggle to bear it as we watch our bodies betray us...we take our pain pills, put on our pain patches, and try to put a smile on our faces as no one really wants to hear about what we are is hard for them to understand and they dont know what to say to us so they just avoid us as much as possible...some of them act as if it is our fault because we didnt take better care of our health when we were younger...some think we fake it just to get attention or we just dont want to work because we are lazy....some can be very cruel and say mean things to us like what was said to me right here on FB about a year ago...I was talking to a friend of mine about how blessed I was to have Medicaid and Medicare to pay for my medicine and a young man actually told me that I was a leech to society and should just kill myself and quit making him pay for my health care. I was stunned...and could not believe that some people actually think that way...but they do....If you are someone who lives with pain every day, whether its physical or mental, just know in your heart that some of us understand and keep you in our prayers and are worthy to be here because you are a human being and a child of are brave and you are my hero...when I say I feel your pain, I truly do....they are not just words to me, they are our truth....God Bless You.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 18:58:50 +0000

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