Imagine standing in a room that is bright green. You walk into - TopicsExpress


Imagine standing in a room that is bright green. You walk into the next room and the color of the walls is green but a bit bluer. The change is so slight you dont even notice. Then you walk into another room imperceptibly bluer than the second. You travel through 50 of these rooms and each time the shade changes slightly but not enough to notice. At the end of your journey someone hands you a paper matching the color of the first room. You are amazed at how green it is and you suddenly realize that you are standing in a blue room. This is what happens when we grow cold in our soul and move away from Christ. Gradually we are influenced more and more by the world and less by the Holy Spirit. We sit in church but no longer are moved by the Spirit or Gods Word. We think we are okay but the seducing spirits of this world have slowly led us to a place where we are lost. This is what Paul warned Timothy about in 1 Tim 4:1 Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. There are people sitting in pews every Sunday that have travelled so far from the where they once were that no amount of persuasion can convince them that they are lost. The world and the church needs to catch a glimpse of the righteousness of Christ and begin to measure their lives not with the current trends or fashions of religion but with Christ alone. May we set our eyes upon Jesus and keep them ever on Him.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 15:00:15 +0000

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