Imagine that you are swimming across the ocean of your life. Some - TopicsExpress


Imagine that you are swimming across the ocean of your life. Some days your strokes are steady and strong. You have sufficient energy to sustain you throughout the day. The warm sun and gentle breezes dance over the tingling surface of your skin as you glide across the ocean. Unlimited depths of potential feelings rock gently under you in perfect balance and alignment with your heart and your journey. Ahhh…what bliss…what a feeling of complete knowing that life is flowing your way and all is well. But, there are those days when the wind becomes rough, the sky begins to darken, and deep, throaty thunder rumbles in the distance. Negative emotions swim in circles under you, ready to pull you under at the slightest provocation. In this place your mettle is tested. Some of us ignore the feelings under us and push them down until they are uncomfortably buried like a lead weight in our bodies. Even though you may remain on the surface, you are now struggling to swim with the extra weight, instead of flowing easily like before. Some of us are pulled down to the depths by deep fear or sorrow. You stay anchored to the ocean’s floor, allowing the negative feelings to regroup and attack over and over again. You become as a helpless rag doll victim, succumbing to the ocean’s depths. And then there are those brave souls who recognize that life is a beautiful work of art in its contrast between the negative and the positive. In order to live fully, one has to feel the emotions that surface in the present moment. The secret, the treasure chest of well-being, is to let the feelings wash over you…let the emotions pull you under water. Sit in the sadness of your sorrow. Face the fears that assault you, but don’t cling to them. Don’t wear them as a heavy cloak. When you are pulled under the sea of emotions, bravely feel the feelings with the knowing that you will always bounce back to the surface like a cork. And when your face once again feels the sunshine, your grateful heart will beat with love and appreciation for the startling contrast of seeing the beautiful light after experiencing the deep darkness.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 10:17:12 +0000

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