Imagine what the Jewish people went through over 68 years ago... - TopicsExpress


Imagine what the Jewish people went through over 68 years ago... No one can find a piece of paper proving that Hitler ordered the Jewish people murdered. Yet the people that did order these things done were put into the position of power that they had by Hitler himself. Oddly enough Mr. Obama has placed people like Eric Holder into positions of power and have committed actual crimes of Treason, and countless others. Hillery Clinton? Mmm does that ring a bell. The Benghazi situation. Only the President can give a stand down order. The military is obligated to protect our diplomats serving in foreign countries. We had F16 jets stationed 1 hour away, yet it would take too long to assemble the strike force to do a flyby? Give me a break, we would be defeated in war in a heart beat if we could not scramble our forces on a moments notice. Those who who forget the past, are doomed to repeat it... I cannot remember what famous person spoke this phrase, but it is frightening believe that people are not being taught history and the past in the words of the witnesses. Not of someone born in the past 30 years. Welcome to the fall of our great country. Either you start paying attention to these political Royalty or we shall suffer the same fate in history, being ruled by dictators and tyrants. They always have a habit of popping up when the people forget about them.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 16:26:22 +0000

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