Imagine with Harry for Kimberlie You were walking down the - TopicsExpress


Imagine with Harry for Kimberlie You were walking down the corridors of the school. All of the cool kids were mostly talking and some of them were making out. You rolled your eyes at how gross they looked. You were about to go to your locker but you felt a hand on your shoulder. The person slammed you against the wall which made you shut your eyes because of the force and your books fell. You opened your eyes and saw Harry Styles. The guy you’ve always liked. He had a playful smirk on his face. “W-what do you want?” you asked. He leaned in real close to your ear and whispered, “I like you, a LOT” You felt shivers down your spine. His hot breath tickled your skin. He went down to your neck and started kissing and nibbling on it. He found your sweet spot and you lightly moaned. You felt him smile against your skin. You pushed him away from you and you picked up your books. “What are you doing?!” you hissed at him. “Don’t you like me?” he asked, trying to take a step closer to you but you backed away. “Just…get away from me.” As much as you wanted to answer his question, you didn’t. “You didn’t answer me” You decided not to say anything. Instead, your back faced him and you tried to walk away from him. Although, he pulled you by your wrist. “Why are you ignoring me? Do you hate me?” he asked as his eyes shined. You looked down and sighed. “I do like you, Harry…” you said quietly. “Then why are you acting like you don’t want my presence?” You shook your head. “I don’t know…” you stared at your shoes. He placed a finger on your chin and looked you in the eyes. “Let me prove to you that I’m in love with you” You nodded and closed your eyes. You felt his warm, soft lips on yours. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you played with his curly locks. You two pulled away and he said, “I love you, Kimberlie and I want you to be my girlfriend. That’s if you want to be. I mea-“ You cut him off with another kiss on the cheek. “I love you too and I’d be happy to be yours” He smiled and hugged you. -pat horan
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 21:41:18 +0000

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