Imagine with Harry for Tiffany :) You woke up after a sleepless - TopicsExpress


Imagine with Harry for Tiffany :) You woke up after a sleepless night. You had trouble falling asleep that night because today was the day that you were going to marry Harry Styles. Gemma was already at your house when you woke up, and when you came into the kitchen she said with a smile: “Hey there wedding girl. You ready for today?” “Yeah, as ready as I’ll ever be.” You said with a nervous smile. “You’re gonna be fine honey.” Your mom said. “Now lets get you ready.” “No Harry you now the rules. Stay out, you can’t see her until she walks down the aisle. “ you heard Gemma say. Hearing his voice made you calm down a little bit, as your bridesmaid, your mom, and others were running around the room making sure that everything was ready. All of the bridesmaids were ready to go and had their bouquets. Your flower girl looked adorable in her small white dress, and your mom was putting the veil in your hair when your wedding coordinator poked her head in: “We’re ready for you all. And Tiffany,” she said with a pause. “Your groom is all ready and waiting.” Hearing her say that made the butterflies go crazy inside your stomach. Each of your bridesmaids gave you a hug before you all headed out. You walked towards the door leading outside to see how the setting looked. From behind the door, you saw your future husband, Harry Styles talking with the minister under the arbor decorated with flowers and vines. There were roses on the outer sides of the aisles and there was a white carpet laid out, creating a beautiful pathway to your groom. The music started, and you saw the 4 boys in his band walk your four bridesmaids down the aisle. Then, your little flower girl and the ring bearer walked down together, as she threw red and pink rose petals onto the ground. Then you heard the starting notes to the wedding march and suddenly your knees felt weak. Right as you thought you were going to fall your dad came up and held your hand. Then he linked his arm with yours and gave you a kiss on the forehead as you two started walking down the aisle. Your knees were still shaky and you were afraid that your heart was going to beat outside of your chest. But then you saw him, you saw Harry standing at the end of the aisle, his eyes looking at you in your dress. His eyes made contact with yours, making a grin spread across your face. He was there in a fancy tux and his bow tie. You hardly noticed Niall gently nudge Harry with his shoulder smiling at you. Then you saw the other 3 boys and your bridesmaids all smiling at you. The walk suddenly felt like it was taking forever. But when your dad put your hand in Harry’s, all the nerves had seemed to go away and before you knew it, you and Harry were sharing your first kiss as a married couple. “I love you Mrs. Styles” you heard him whisper with a smile as you were about to walk back down the aisle. “I love you to Mr. Styles.” The reception was held at a private garden side lake, where swans and fountains were in the lake, and a bridge was decorated with flowers and lights. The boys performed some songs for everyone and you all danced until late into the night. Goodbyes were being shared with everyone, and eventually it was just you two with your family and the 4 other boys. “So Tiffany, do you know where Harry’s taking you for your honeymoon?” Louis asked with a smile. “Nope.” Harry answered for you. “She has no idea. But I know she’ll love it.” “You’re gonna love it.” Niall said to you. “Harry has been so excited to take you. It’s all he has been talking about for the past couple of months. “ Harry started blushing a little, and nervously ran his fingers through his hair. “Did you want to go change love?” he asked you. “Yeah, I”ll be right back.” Gemma and your mom came with you to help you change out of your wedding dress. You put on a short blue dress instead and then Harry met you at the top of the stairs and escorted you to the car waiting to take you to the airport. After receiving congratulations from everyone you two got in the car, and after a long flight, you landed in the Maldives. Harry had you keep your eyes shut when you got close to your final destination. “Give me your hand.” He said quietly, then he lifted you out of the boat. When he set you down on the dock he covered your eyes with his hands then he said: “Alright, open them up love.” “Oh my gosh Harry. Is this ours for the week?” you asked in astonishment. You saw a villa in front of you still above the clear waters. Then, beyond the villa, there was a beach, and a small island behind it. He picked you up like a princess and carried you inside the villa. It had a private small pool, hamocks, a bbq, a kitchen, a couple of white couches, a tv, and then he whispered behind your ear: “Now I want to show you my favorite part of the place.” Then lifted you up and carried you to the bedroom which had a large bed with a white bedspread, with rose petals laid around the room. “It’s perfect Harry” you whispered. He smiled at you and then he said: “I love you Mrs. Styles.” Then he set you on the bed and started kissing you. “I can’t believe that you’re mine” he said. “I’m forever yours Harry.” You whispered back, and then you two kissed your way into the best time of your life. ~Nialls babe
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 18:52:40 +0000

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