Imagined September 17, 2012 at 7:23am Imagined Today - TopicsExpress


Imagined September 17, 2012 at 7:23am Imagined Today I imagined, And there you stood, Standing at the doorway, Smiling so brightly, I realized, how lucky I am, Beauty surrounds you; you are beyond anything, that exists, refreshing, yet pleasing, soft to the eyes, then you spoke, asking, ‘is everything was alright?” ’but all I could do is smile, I smiled big, For in the presence, of greatness, someone special, and I knew it, for I could feel it, one glance into your eyes, is all it took, I reached out, toward you , I knew, I just had to have you, even if it was for that one moment, I was destined, to share a moment, that would last forever, within my heart, and it shall be, forever cherished, forever in my mind, but I dared not say a word, for I felt, I was dreaming, and feared waking up, I signaled you, to follow me, with a hand gesture, and you simply smiled, and walked toward me, Then, I felt the warmth, your hand within mine, and I held on, we took one step, together, next thing I knew, we were suddenly, at the beach, splashing away, in the water, laughing out loud, I wrote your name, across the sand, and we sat together, just you and I, simply surrounded, by the sounds of the ocean, nothing else in the world, mattered for we, were together, side by side, Was I dreaming? Yet I could feel the ocean breeze, and hear, the very sounds of the waves, meeting the shoreline, I could feel, the afternoon sunlight, gently greeting my skin, I could see the seagulls, fly by, I could see, the sailboat, meeting the horizon, I could smell the ocean, we sat together, sunbathed for hours, without too many words, yet words, were not necessary, between us, we somehow knew, instantly, what was wanted, we simply, enjoyed, simply, just being, simply, without, any outside distractions, simply, enjoying, a beautiful day, a beautiful beach, a beautiful time, with sun, and more importantly, with each other…. Always Lorena Martinez
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 09:38:04 +0000

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