Imam Muhammad al-Baqir [a] said, about the Event of - TopicsExpress


Imam Muhammad al-Baqir [a] said, about the Event of Ghadir: Obedience to `Ali was an order from Allah to His Messenger, and He revealed upon him, “Verily your guardian is Allah, His messenger, and those who believed – who stand in prayer and give the zakat…” (5:55). And He made obedience to the Possessors of the Command (ulu ‘l-amr) obligatory, and they did not understand what it was; so Allah ordered Muhammad [s] to interpret [and clarify] this obedience to them, just as he interpreted prayer (salat), alms-giving (zakat), fasting (sawm), and Hajj. When Allah gave that [order] to him, the chest of the Messenger of Allah [s] tightened, and he feared that they would apostatize from their religion and bely him – so his chest tightened. He consulted his Lord, so Allah inspired to him, “O Messenger, preach what is revealed to you from your Lord. If you do not preach, it will be as though you have not conveyed My Message, and Allah will protect you from the people”. (5:67) So he executed the command of Allah and declared the wilaya of `Ali on the day of Ghadeer Khumm. He called for a congregational prayer and commanded the people to bear testimony and inform the absent. And an obligation would be revealed one after the other; and the wilaya was the final obligation, so Allah revealed, “Today I have perfected for you your religion and completed my favour…” (5:3) Allah said, I will not reveal to you any obligation after this – I have completed for you the obligations. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, hadith 753)
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 11:29:35 +0000

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