Imam Reza (A.S.) said Whoever performs the Ziyarah of Fatima - TopicsExpress


Imam Reza (A.S.) said Whoever performs the Ziyarah of Fatima Masumah(A.S.) will be awarded heaven.-Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad (A.S.) saidWhoever performs the Ziyarah of my aunt[Fatima Masumah (A.S.)] in Qum will enter paradise-Imam Reza (A.S.) said Whoever performs the Ziyarah of Fatima Masumahwith the knowledge of her status will attain paradise. The Holy Shrine of Hadrat Fatima Masumah(A.S.) in Qum. The construction of the present Bargah (Holy Court) and the holy shrine of Hadrat Masumah in Qum, was started in the middle of the third century A.H. and continued during the 4th, 5th, and 6th centuries A.H. (mid 9th century through 12th century A.D.), when it was completed with a dome and vault. In 447 A.H.,Mir Abul Fazl Iraqi,the Vazier of Tughril Beg constructed a magnificent dome on the grave of Hadrat Masumah (A.S.) and the height of that dome was 14 metres.In 925 A.H., Shah Baigi Begum the daughter of Shah Ismail, the Safawid ruler of Iran renovated the dome and illuminated it with intrinsic mosaic tiles. The holy shrine was greatly expanded during the Safavid period. Shah Ismail ordered the construction of the northern ivan. During the reign of Shah Tahmasb I, 939 A.H. (1532A.D.) and Shah Abbas II, 1055 A.H. (1654 A.D.), the buildings of the (Astaneh) were completed and some important decorative works were undertaken, which have been continued ever since. The main structure of the holy shrine consists of the old and new courtyards, a mirror-decorated ivan, a number of Mu`azin`s cages, a portico, a sepulcher, the holy burial chamber, the Holy Tomb(Zareeh), Masjid-i-Bala-sar, Ladies Courtyard (Sahn-i-Zananeh), an ivan, the golden dome, and several golden, silver and inlaid doors. There are a number of verse inscriptions in the holy shrine, composed by Muhtasham Kashani, Fath Ali Khan Saba, and Shurideh Shirazi. The tileworks of the holy tomb of Hazrat-i-Masumeh, which have been accomplished during the years 605 to 613 A.H. (1208 to 1218 A.D.), bear the following designs and colors. On the tomb, there are 15 pieces of enameled tiles covering a space of 2.95 meters long and 1.20 meters wide. The sides of the tomb are covered with three kinds of tiles, namely enameled tiles with curved sides, full star-shaped (Kuakabi) tiles, and enameled tiles on which the latter are installed. There are three inscriptions on the tomb: the first is a relief inscription in Naskh style and is vermilion in color; the second, also vermilion, is in Kufic script;and the third is golden and in Naskh calligraphy. The background is azure, golden, brown or silver, and is further adorned with various ornamental motifs. According to the inscriptions, the tiles of the Holy Sepulcher have been donated by Muzaffar ibn Ahmad ibn Ismail and the calligraphers Muhammad ibn Abi-Tahir ibn Abi-Hussain and Abu-Zaid have been responsible for the inscriptions, the former having also undertaken the manufacturing of the tiles. The Holy City of Qum The holy city of Qum in central Iran,150 km to the south of Tehran became one of the first bastions Shiism and till the present day it is the leading centre of Islamic seminaries where more than forty thousand scholars and students are learning Islamic sciences in the numerable Islamic seminaries present in this holy city. At present about two hundred Islamic research and cultural centres are active in this holy city. In the year 83 A.H. the Arabs belonging to the Ashari tribe migrated and settled in this region and laid the foundation of this city.From the beginning of its establishment the city of Qum became the dwelling place of the Shias and by the end of first century Hijrah more than 6000 Shias settled in this city. The Shias of this city revolted against the Umayyad caliphs and after the inception of the Abbasid caliphate in 132 A.H. they also opposed the Abbasid caliphs. In the year 200 A.H. Hadrat Fatima Masumah(A.S.) took refuge in this city and Her Holiness expired in the year 201 A.H. and was buried in this city. The sacred grave of Hadrat Fatima Masumah (A.S.) became the pilgrimage centre of the Shias and this city became famous as Qum-i Muqaddas.Since then it also emerged as a leading Shia learning centre in the world.The holy shrine of Hadrat Fatima Masumah (A.S.) and the citys reputation as a centre of theological education of the Shias contributed most to its fame
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 17:55:26 +0000

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