Imam al-Nasai narrated that Hadrat Sayyiduna Ameer al-Muawiyah - TopicsExpress


Imam al-Nasai narrated that Hadrat Sayyiduna Ameer al-Muawiyah (may Allah be pleased with them) said, The Messenger of Allah came to a circle – meaning of his Companions – and said, “What has made you sit together?” They said, “We sat to pray to Allah and to praise Him for guiding us to His religion, AND FOR BLESSING US WITH YOU.” He said, “By Allah, nothing else made you sit together?” They said, “By Allah nothing else made us sit together!” He said, “Know that I did not make you swear on this because I doubted you, but because Gabriel came to me and informed me that Allah (Azza wa Jall) is proudly showing you off to the angels!” [Sunan an-Nasai, Vol. 3, Page 475, Hadith 5431] The above hadith is one of the clearest evidences for the permissibility of the Mawlid, and clearly shows the companions gathering together to thank Allah (Most High) and give thanks for blessing them with the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). Are the Mawlid gatherings not what is being described in the hadith?
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 17:35:08 +0000

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