Imma take a small excursion here to perhaps rant just a weensy - TopicsExpress


Imma take a small excursion here to perhaps rant just a weensy bit. I just got home after spending 20 minutes in my car next to a parked car where a small dog was locked inside with the windows cracked about 2 inches. Now, normally I wouldve immediately called the police, but I wanted to see how uncomfortable it would be, so I got in my car and sat with the engine off, windows cracked and waited with the pup. My threshold was going to be 30 min or if I couldnt take it, but the owner showed up after 20. I approached the owner and gently told him about my experience, sitting next to his car, waiting with my windows cracked in a hot car with the ambient temp outside being 78 degrees. I told him how stuffy my car had been. How thirsty I was. And, how I wasnt wearing a fur coat. And then I implored him to never, ever, ever leave his sweet little pup in a locked car on a hot sunny day ever again. I miiiiight have also mentioned that THIS time I did not call the authorities, who would most certainly find him guilty of animal cruelty and neglect. I think he got the message, but I would just like to take a moment and ask that everyone reading this please consider that if you have a pet, please do not EVER leave it in a locked car in any temp above 50 degrees. Cars can heat up at least 20 degrees higher than the temp outside, especially on a hot day. If you wouldnt leave a small child in a locked car due to the heat - dont do it to a dog. Also, if you see a dog locked inside a parked car on a hot day, please, please, please...just say something or call the authorities. I was stunned by how many people simply walked by and did nothing.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 20:28:20 +0000

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