Immigrants know free enterprise is fundamental basis for the - TopicsExpress


Immigrants know free enterprise is fundamental basis for the American Dream. Americans are born and bred here to study for years merely to become someone elses employees. Never paid what they are worth, only what the job is worth. Bottom line if you are trading hours for dollars you will never overcome inflation and will probably have to rely on credit, which is just a euphemism for debt to make ends meet. People are brainwashed to think they are free. Mindless and obedient in subjection. Just be another 70 year old working at a fast food place. What a life. Bottom of the dumb pyramid on the almighty dollar. With a boastful, arrogant, murderous, all seeing eye. What kind of people promise safety and security and peace who treat people as donkeys. Hospitals milking pennies out of sick people wasting their time with useless treatments and medicine to mask the pain just to build toxins in the body. Thats right people others hate people who think, they like zombies, payoff is so sweet for them. Pray for people in church and pray for our enemies for this world which is passing away. Pilgrims didnt come here because they heard some company was hiring they came here to practice economic freedom. Bless the man that will save us from tiring services of nothingness and love him with all your heart, soul, mind. (First Commandment). Love them enemies and be kind to them because fire is their future and the wheat will be spared from the adversaries and minions.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 23:14:07 +0000

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