Immigrants take jobs from Americans! Immigrants are ruining the - TopicsExpress


Immigrants take jobs from Americans! Immigrants are ruining the economy! Ummmm... not so much, actually. "As CBS News reported, a study by the Americas Society/Council of the Americas and the Partnership for a New American Economy found that immigrants "are boosting job growth, raising home prices and more broadly helping to revive thousands of economically distressed communities." Many of those communities, CBS News pointed out, are in rural areas with a heavy manufacturing focus." Some key paragraphs from this article: The report highlighted three key findings: "For every 1,000 immigrants living in a county, 46 manufacturing jobs are created or preserved that would otherwise not exist or have moved elsewhere." "Each of the 40 million immigrants in the U.S. adds, on average, 11.6 cents to the value of a home in their local county. This adds $3.7 trillion to U.S. housing wealth nationally." "For every 1,000 immigrants that arrive to a county, 270 U.S.-born residents move there in response. These residents are drawn by the increasing demand for service-oriented businesses ranging from restaurants to law firms and by the employment that is preserved in sectors like manufacturing." More importantly, the study concluded that if the 11 million undocumented immigrants currently in the country were deported, "U.S. housing wealth would drop by $1 trillion and the manufacturing sector would shed an additional half-million U.S. jobs." The report added: "Attracting 100,000 new immigrants per year, on the other hand, would create or preserve 4,600 American manufacturing jobs and grow U.S. housing wealth by $80 billion annually."
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 16:47:14 +0000

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