Immigration is in the American psyche again. Lets start by saying - TopicsExpress


Immigration is in the American psyche again. Lets start by saying everyone involved is a human with the same emotional structures; all have pains, sorrows, joys, strengths and weaknesses. America is a very broad diverse country and I honestly doubt we can come to a national consensus on what to do about it. At a quick glance I dont think the President is acting outside the constitution, but that is not what I am arguing. I honestly dont think Congress wants to act on this issue; too many industries that rely on cheap labor, like construction for instance and agriculture want undocumented workers so they dont have to pay them much or add health care and other niceties most Americans expect. Those who run these industries know how to play in Washington. In the Northwest and I imagine the Northeast as well, Hispanics dont compete for the most part for the type of jobs Americans are interested in doing, and they have not moved as deeply into construction and housing as they have in the southwest. Working folks in those areas are the ones most concerned about illegal-immigration, because their presence and willingness to work for a lot less, drives down wages. Why would I pay a white guy 10 bucks an hour to mow lawns, when I can hire a Hispanic for five? My point I think this is a regional and local issue best left to the states, than a national issue, where Congress has not acted for a very long time because money interests in agriculture and industry dont want to lose the cheap labor force.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 02:14:59 +0000

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