Immigration recruitment deaths direct consequence of PDP misrule, - TopicsExpress


Immigration recruitment deaths direct consequence of PDP misrule, says APC APC says Jonathan is bent on leaving a bad legacy The All Progressives Congress, APC, has said it is greatly distressed at the deaths of more than a dozen jobseekers at the venues of the Nigerian Immigration Service, NIS, job test on Saturday. Thirteen jobseekers died in stampedes across the country on Saturday while attending screening tests. Reports say the figures could have been as much as 19. The APC said the deaths were a direct consequence of 15years of misrule by the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP-led federal government. The ruling PDP has called for investigations into the deaths. In a statement issued in Lagos on Sunday by its Interim National Publicity Secretary, Lai Mohammed, APC said the Minister of Interior, Abba Moro, must bear direct responsibility for the needless deaths by immediately stepping down from his post or be fired. It said, however, that the overall responsibility was that of President Goodluck Jonathan, who, the party alleged, was bent on leaving a dubious legacy of bad leadership that has led to a grim harvest of deaths from insecurity, widespread violence and now job stampede, among others. APC commiserated with the families of the victims and wished those who were injured a speedy recovery. ”Despite huge yearly budgets rolled out since 1999, the PDP-led federal government has failed to create jobs for our teeming youth, and the number of those who are jobless has now reached such an alarming rate that a job emergency may have to be declared to avert an impending cataclysm,” the party said. ”Massive mindless looting of the public treasury has seen funds that could have been used to create millions of jobs end up in the deep pockets of corrupt government and PDP officials, without any consequence for the thieves, while the incompetent federal government led by a clueless President continues to deceive the public with cooked figures showing job creation where indeed there have been job losses,. ”Today, sadly, the truth has been laid bare: 5,000 or so vacancies declared by NIS have attracted over sixmillion applicants, from which over half a million was shortlisted, according to published reports, and the desperation of our youth to eke out a decent living has been exploited by a villainous government that forced each applicant to cough out 1,000 Naira, thus raking in 6 billion Naira from jobless people,” the party said. It said that the Ministry of Interior had many questions to answer over the apparently-shoddy arrangements made for the job tests in 37 venues nationwide. ”Is it true that the minister directly presided over the recruitment and money-making venture? Could this have been part of the government’s fund-raising measures for the 2015 elections? Why will a government seek to profit from a malaise it created by charging hapless job seekers 1,000 Naira each? Why was a huge number of applicants invited for only 5,000 jobs or less? Why was such a shoddy arrangement made for the test when so many people were invited? Could the test not have been done in batches to avoid a stampede? How much indeed was realized from this glaring extortion of job seekers? What happened to the money?” These, APC said, are some of the questions begging for answers. ”An investigation into the needless deaths of our youth, under a government that has failed them in every respect, must seek to answer those questions and recommend ways to avoid a recurrence. At least if a government cannot create jobs, it must neither profit from its incompetence nor send the victims of its ineptitude to their early graves,”the party said.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 16:52:45 +0000

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