Immigration reform is necessary. Its been needed for a long time. - TopicsExpress


Immigration reform is necessary. Its been needed for a long time. I really have no problem with Obama says is going to take place with the immigrarants who are here illegally IF thats actually what happens. What I have a huge problem with is HOW Obama went about this. For years Obama has said he could not bypass Congress to grant Amnesty and make new immigration law. He has said that he could not suspend deportation through executive order. He has now acted unlawfully and unconstitutionally by going it alone to do exactly what he has said over and over that he could not legally do, suspend deportation and grant amnesty to illegal immigrants. Obama can not legally circumvent congress just because he wants to. He is granting amnesty to up to 5 million illegals. After an illegal immigrant has been here once and deported it is a misdemeanor. If they come back they have committed a felony. Yet, Obama says felons will not benefit from this new self declared law. This is a gross abuse of power. Obama even quoted Exodus 22:1 to make his breaking constitutional law seem ok. This is completely slapping those immigrants who complied with laws to become a US citizen right in the face. Once again, Obama is going against the people we put in congress to represent us, whether they be Republican or Democrats. This is endangering our entire constitutional order!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 03:20:55 +0000

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